Chapter 35-With perrie

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I met Eli at Starbucks and we sat down at the back of the room. Eli explained to me on how everyone was acting really suspicious when she came back. And they were talking about how they wanted her gone. Someone said to Lou that he should just break up with Eli too.

"Woah! Do you think that it could be something to do with the meeting with management?" I asked Eli. "Maybe. But Lou tells me everything that happens with management so I doubt it." She answered and I nodded. "Zayn didn't tell me anything about the meeting with management either. He normally does. To be honest we haven't been talking a lot. He's been quite distant to be honest." I admitted. "Well i have no idea what's going on with them-Oh wait you know what I forgot to tell you?" Eli asked. I shook my head. "I broke up with Louis. But I think it's for the best. We've been getting in alot of fights recently." My mouth dropped. Louis. And. Ellie. Aren't. Together. Anymore?! 


"Kay we need to do something to get our minds off the boys!" I stated. "Have you got your outfit for tomorrow." I shook my head. "Damn I had completely forgotten." She laughed. "Same so how about we go shopping for our mind blowing outfits now?" Eli suggested. "Yeah totally. You can come to my flat and stay the night if you want. You know so we can get ready together tomorrow." I suggested and Eli nodded and thanked me.


"Okay Perrie I think I found the perfect outfit." I shouted from inside my dressing room. "Same. On three we both come out." Perrie replied. "Okay 1...2...3" I pushed open the door. "OMG you look amazing!" We both screamed in unison. Then we both started to giggle.

Perrie looked amazing. She was wearing a beautiful long white gown with a silver, sparkly ribbon across the waist. It had a neckline which showed alot of cleavage. Her gown trailed on the floor a little following in her footsteps. She had her hair tied up into a messy bun which sat on the top of he head. Perrie had a beautiful veil on to. It was white with different kind of lace patterns all around the edge. She was also wearing a pair of white flats. Perrie was obviously a dead bride.

"OMG I'm so doing your makeup for you!" I screeched and she laughed. "Fine but only if I can do yours!" She said and I nodded in agreement. I admired my outfit in the mirror.

I was wearing a beautiful dress the came just below the knee. It was white a black. It fitted perfectly at where my boobs and stomach were and then below the waist it 'poofed' out. It was mostly white but had black stripes going vertically. The stripes were all different shapes and sizes. My dress showed an equal amount of cleavage like perries. Maybe a little more. I wore strappy black shoes. I was obviously the pretty zombie!

"Hey I think I'm gonna dye my hair." I said to perrie as we started to pay for our outfits. "What colour?" She asked me. "Black?" She immediately agreed. "That would look really pretty!" She said honestly. I thanked her and we walked out of the store to go buy hair dye.


I groaned as I awoke from my beautiful sleep. You know I need my beauty sleep. I gradually got out of bed and walked towards the kitchen. "Morning y'all. Where's Eli? I promised I would plan a few things with her for tomorrow." I said walking in a grabbing a glass of water. I looked at everyone in the room. They all looked really depressed and serious. "Okay guys seriously what's going on?" I asked raising my eyebrows a little. "She's gone. Eli. She overheard us talking bout how we wanted her gone and shit because of stupid management." Niall said. "WHAT THE FUCK?! And nobody is out there looking for her?" Everyone shook their heads. How the fuck could they just let her go. She might get seriously hurt. "Harry where are you going?" Liam asked me as I started to put my brown leather jacket on. "To find Eli cause none of you seem like your gonna get off your lazy ass. Do you guys know anywhere she could of gone?" I asked the lads and Tay and Layla. They all shook their head. "Maybe she went to Kendall Morgan's house." Layla suggested but before I could say anything in respond Zayn butted in. "Well she stole phone and looked through some contacts but I don't know where she could've gone." Zayn said.


"Okay you go dye your hair and then we can do the face pack and home made spa." Perrie told me and I nodded and ran of towards her bathroom. I'm really excited for what my hair is gonna look like. I'm dying it black with pink ends.

As I waited for my hair to colour I sat down on the toilet seat and started to think.

There's always a logical answer to every stupid question right? Well my question is why did they want me gone? I started to think through every possible answer.  

Was I too annoying?  

Too messy?  

Too clean?  

Too ugly? 

Was it because I went to rehab? Was it because of my tattoo? 

Did Zayn tell them I occasionally smoked? 

Did Louis honestly find another girl? Was I too much of a bitch?  

Did they just get bored of me?  

Did they hear rumors about me? 

Am I an embarrassment? 

An I an embarrassment to the Payne family? 

But the one question I really wanted to know the answer to was-Why do they hate me?


Eli is such a sweet girl. I already think of her as my sister. I hope she knows I will be by her side through everything, anything.

As I started to mix the face pack into a bowl I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. 'ZAYN' It read.

---Text covo with Zayn--- 

Z-hey baby, have you heard from Eli. Can't find her. She left after she um overheard sumthin.

P-we haven't talked in ages and that's all you say?

Z- please baby this is important. We'll go on a date soon or sumthin, yeah?

P-or something.

Z-um so have you seen her. I've asked everyone she knows on my contact list and ur the last 1.

P-She's fine Zayn! She's w/ me but dnt even bother comin over! It girl nite. We will c u 2morrow.

Z-Okay thx baby luv u. Xx 

----End of text convo----

How could he even do that? Why does it feel like he doesn't love me anymore.  

I was knocked out of my thoughts by hearing Eli. "Kay are you ready?" She yelled. "Yep! Come I wanna see!" I yelled back. She ran into the room with her hair straightened, black, with pink ends in her hair and in her side fringe. She looked amazingly gorgeous! "Do you like it?" She asked and I smiled widely. "It looks awesome on you!" She thanked me and smiled. "Oh and I hope you won't get mad at me, but I kinda told Zayn you were here." She smiled "oh that's okay perrie! I understand."  



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