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Saint was ready to be taken by the man he loves the most.

Saint locked his arms around Perth and started kissing him again. Perth kissed him back but a certain sound disturbed their supposed to be make out session.

A phone call. Perth's phone rang.

Perth got up from the most comfortable position and sat down on the right side of the bed.

His eyes was worriedly looking at the phone.

Saint got up and was confused as to why Perth doesn't pick up the call.

Saint: Answer it. It might be important.

Perth doesn't want to. If he does, another drama is gonna surface and he just got his Saint after all the suffering he went through for months.

Perth pressed the red button. Indicating that he dropped the call.

Saint: Why didnt you answer it?

Perth was quiet.

Saint: Perth. Answer me. Why did you drop the call.

Still nothing.

Saint: Are you hiding something from me?

Saint: Perth

Saint: Tell me!

Saint was trembling. He doesn't know why Perth is quiet instead of explaining his side.

Saint was shaking him. Trying to pull out the truth in him.

Perth: It was nothing

Saint: If it was nothing then why don't you answer it?

Perth never answered the question that Saint keeps on repeating.

Saint got out of the bed and started picking up his clothes.

Saint: We've barely started going out but you're already keeping secrets from me. I stripped infront of you so you'd know I won't hide anything from you anymore. Was it all gone to waste?

Saint putting on some clothes and sat at the opposite side of the bed. He wanted to wait until Perth was willing to tell him what's going on.

But a whole 30 minutes have passed and Perth still didn't say anything. Saint was getting impatient. He was fidgety, was going crazy thinking what could it be?

Who called him? Why did Perth rejected the call and had this worried look on his face the entire time. Saint was itching to know the truth.

Anxiety consuming him, he made the first move and went straight to Perth.

Saint got down to look at Perth's face that was stressed.

Saint: Perth, tell me what's going on. Do I need to know something?

Saint was calmly asking these questions but he was nervous to know the truth.

Perth spoke up that made Saint even more nervous.

Perth: I-I'm in trouble right now.

Saint: Then I'm willing to hear everything.

Perth: You won't get mad?

Saint: It depends. But seeing you in this state right now, I probably wont get mad.

Perth: Really? You wont get mad?

Saint: Perth I-

Perth: Promise me you won't get mad. I-I don't wanna lose you. Y-you're finally mine

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