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Thor stared at his brother in shock. Loki raced to think of an explanation. 

Unfortunately, he found one. 

Raising his head, he let out a wild laugh. Glaring at Odin, he tried very hard to contain the memories of abuse and torture he had suffered due to this man. 

"You idiot! I was never a traitor! I did what you wanted 'father'! I acted as a king should! You are simply an insufferable fool!" Loki spat. They bought the explanation, he had cried and bit his lip while trying to keep from laughing. That made sense. 

Loki let out a sigh of relief at the expression of disgust that returned to Sif's face. Turning to look at his brother again, his heart shattered. Seeing his face filled with hope fall to one of despair and...disgust. It was as if Odin had finally finished the job. As if he had reached into Loki's chest and tore his heart out. 

He winced, hard. Shaking off his pain, he stood taller, a smirk on his face. 

"So, when are we leaving brother?" He said smugly, spitting out the word brother with forced hate. He smirked wider, grinning at Thor. What little shards of his heart had stuck together fell apart once he saw the blatant disappointment and heartbreak on his sweet brother's face, but he kept his smirk wide and his eyes cold. 

Thor sighed heavily. "Now, we are leaving now." The god of thunder shot a glance at the guards, who grabbed Loki and steered him towards the exit of the palace. Loki kept his smile wide until his back was to everyone when he let his grin fall to a guilty frown for just a second. Smiling again, he greeted Heimdall with blatant hate. 

God, he hated this act. Pretending like he hated the people he loved so much. The only person he wanted to hate more was Odin, that prick deserved hatred. Heimdall didn't, the citizens didn't. Thor certainly didn't. His brother glared at him and his thoughts slipped back into that well-worn track he was so used to.

A monster.

He was a monster.

He killed people.

He killed innocent people.

God, poor Thor.

Why did he have to fall?

Why did he have to fall into Thano's grasps? 

God, his poor brother.

He had to draw blood again.

Making himself bleed might make him feel better.

He would end it soon.

God, poor Thor. 

Shaking his head slightly, he noticed that Thor had been speaking to him. 

"Brother?" Loki's head snapped up, only just remembering to cast an illusion to hide his tears. 

"What?" He snapped. Thor winced, sighing.

"I need you to come here so Heimdall can send us to Earth." Thor looked at his brother, his gaze pleading. "Please brother." Loki sighed and walked closer to Thor. Too close and his illusion might wear off, so he stayed a distance away, Thor looked sad. Oh so sad. 

Heimdall gave a kind nod to Thor and an icy 'farewell' to Loki. The sorcerer hadn't expected much more than that. 

And off they went.

~on Midgard~ 

Loki staggered a little, his chains had come undone. He rubbed his sore wrists, still careful not to draw any blood. He was so tired. Oh so tired. Tired of hating, tired of pretending, tired of lying, tired of illusions, but more than anything, he was tired of hurting people. Tired of hurting Thor. 

"Brother, are you alright?" Thor had noticed Loki's odd lack of balance, he took a few steps closer, trying to help him stand.


If Thor touched him, the illusion that hid his tears would come undone. He glared at his brother and forced himself to stand straight. Taking a step away from Thor.

"Don't touch me." Loki hissed, trying to ignore the pain that arose again at his brother's kicked puppy expression. Thor stepped back.

"Please, just follow me." His brother said dejectedly. Walking away hurriedly. Loki followed slightly slower, his arms aching. 

"Where are we staying, Thor?" He asked, sounding disinterested. Thor paused, looking slightly guilty.

"Umm, well...I...um..." Thor stumbled over his words.

"Just spit it out," Loki grumbled.

"We have to stay at Avengers Tower." Thor rushed to get the phrase out. Loki took a second to process that before it sank in.

"WHAT?!" He yelped. 





"I REFUSE TO STAY WITH THOSE RATS!!!" They would hurt him, they would definitely hurt him. They would hurt him like Thanos did, like Odin did. 

"Loki, brother please!" Thor pleaded. "I have nowhere else for us to stay!" Loki looked at his dear brother and his heart sank. Thor had tears in his eyes. 

He couldn't wait to kill himself.

Wait, what?

The thought surprised him. He had never been that...blatant...before. 

But its true, isn't it? 

That scared him because it was true. And so he decided. He had at least two choices. He could try both if he had to. He would jump from the top of the tower, after having slit his own wrists.

"Fine." He hissed. 

It will all be over soon brother. Worry not.  

A Murder of Crows ://: ~Loki~Where stories live. Discover now