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Loki had made it to the roof. 


He had left smears of blood on the stairs from his wrists, but that was fine by him. 

He would be a nuisance even in death, it seemed. 

Standing now on the edge of the building, he clutched a short note in his hand. It was addressed to Thor. The last thing his brother would see that Loki had done for him, other than his mangled corpse of course. 

He felt...detatched. As if he was looking at himself from a distance. And he felt calm. Terrifyingly calm. He knew that his wrists were slit and bleeding a soon-to-be-fatal amount, and he was aware of his puffy eyes. He could feel his arms weeping the warm, red tears. Maybe it would stain the cold, gray concrete. 

A last act of defiance, perhaps. 

He was also distantly aware that his skin was an eerie blue color now, his eyes as red as his fingertips. He wasn't cold though. In fact, he felt warm. Very warm. Warmer than he had felt since the attack on New York. 

Warmer than he had felt since he had let go on that bridge years ago. 

Looking down now, he remembered the last time he fell from a height like this. 


Loki was hanging from his staff. His hand was slipping. If he could just hang on a little longer, maybe his brother could pull him up. 

God, the mess he'd made of things. 

He had only wanted to feel as though he mattered.

And look where that got him. 

Looking at the cold eyes of his 'father', he felt an icy chill run through him. 

Maybe it was time to let go. Maybe he could finally be free. 

All he had to do is let go. 

He looked at his brother, whose eyes were filled with tears.


He loosened his grip. 

And he fell.

That was it then, it was over.

He was vaguely aware of his brother yelling after him. 

Too late

And Loki closed his eyes.


Opening his eyes slowly, he looked around. Was it just a dream?

No, he remembered it too vividly. 

He sat up, feeling dizzy. His body ached from the fall. 

How had he gotten here? 

His legs gave out beneath him, and he crumpled to his knees. A dull sound in front of him. 


The god looked up, fear etched in every line on his young face. 

There stood a Titan, a mountain of a man. 

And the monster grinned.

~Flashback end~

Years of torture. 

The pain was an old friend. 

He placed the note down carefully, weighing it down with a pebble. 

He barely felt anything, only warm. 

He knew his eyes were wide and afraid though, he knew that big, pain-filled tears rolled down his face. 

A sound brought his mind back to the present. 

A door opened behind him. 


Tony stood, breathless at the other end of the roof. 

Why was he here?

It didn't matter. 

He was just more Motivation.

Motivation to get this over with. 

The god glanced over his shoulder at the man once again, giving a sad smile, before he slipped into the abyss yawning before him once again. 

This time would be the last time. 

Sorry for the short chapter!!

I'll update soon!

(Like as soon as I finish my homework!) 

A Murder of Crows ://: ~Loki~Where stories live. Discover now