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Tony screamed.

He called his suit.

He was too late.

Loki would die.

And Tony couldn't stop screaming. 

He let his suit envelop his hand and arm.

It was too slow.

Loki would already be halfway down by now.

And he was too late.

Finally, finally, the suit was on enough for him to take off. 

He lept over the edge, reaching down for Loki's falling body.

He wouldn't make it in time.

Damn it.

Damn it! 

He reached, and reached, and-

Got him!

Tony had managed to wrap his arms around Loki's thin body seconds before he reached the ground.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Slowly, gently, he flew the unconscious god back to the top of the tower, collapsing with a deep breath on the roof.

Tony noticed that he was crying, a lot.

He had been so scared to let this poor, broken man die because he was too slow.


Steve had made it to the roof.

A little late pal.

Tony shuddered, the panic wearing off and the reality settling in.

"S-Steve, can..." he took a breath, trying to keep himself from crying again. "Can you call Bruce?" he asked, a few tears slipping from his eyes.

"Y-yeah, of course!" Steve stared at Loki in horror for a couple more seconds before turning his attention to his phone.

Tony looked at the god through tear-blurred eyes. He looked bad. No, that was an understatement. He looked awful. In fact, Loki looked blue. 


Was that from blood loss? 

Oh, god, was he dead?!

Tony panicked again, just for a second, before he noticed the slow rise of the man's chest. 

He let out a sigh of relief.

The god felt cold, colder than any corpse Tony had ever felt, not that he had felt many. 

Perhaps Thor could clear things up a little.

Where was Th-


Speak of the devil. 

"Oh gods, brother." Thor's voice was cracking and weak from sobbing. He began to cry again just looking at his brother, his small, frail body seemed broken in Tony's arms. He reached for Loki, just wanting to do something, anything, to help his dear brother. Tony let Thor caress the unconscious god's hair. The usually boisterous god was so delicate, so careful with his brother. 

Tony felt a stab of affection for the god. 

"Tony, I made the call." Steve walked back towards the group, his eyes lingering on Loki's body again. He winced. "I wasn't able to explain everything, but Bruce is on his way right now." Steve murmured, not wanting to be loud and bring any more pain to Thor. It seemed like an oddly intimate moment for the brothers, despite the fact that one was bleeding out on the cement. 

All three men's attention snapped to the blood. None of them had noticed how profuse the bleeding was until now. Tony inhaled sharply, pulling at the man's sleeves. There on his wrists were two unbelievably deep gashes. Thor wailed and picked his brother up quickly. 

"T-Tony, please! We have to do something!" The god pleaded. His voice had an edge of hysteria. Tony nodded and stood quickly. He guided the god on how to apply pressure to quell the bleeding. They had to go to the med-bay. Fast.

Steve hung back, hesitantly heading to the edge of the structure himself, finding and retrieving a small, neatly folded note. It was addressed to Thor. Steve refrained from reading it. It was not meant for his eyes. He headed for the stairs, deciding to give Thor the letter when Loki was safe. 


Tony had cleared a space on the stasis table, hoping that putting the god in an induced coma would be enough to save his life until Bruce got here. 

He had to make Thor wait outside, he couldn't focus with the god crying behind him. 

Activating the machine, he breathed a sigh of relief. The god was stable for now. He would live. 

He reached to clean up some of the dried blood on the god's arm, but in doing so, he noticed that he was coated in a layer of the man's blood. His arms were a sickening red. 

Tony gagged at the smell. 

He headed for the bathroom, hoping to wash off the blood. 


Thor was sitting outside the medical room, sobbing. 

"H-how is he?" Steve took a seat on the ground next to the god. 

"I-I do not know...Stark will not let me see him." The man whimpered. More tears pouring down his face. Steve felt a stab of pity for him. 

"Yeah, Tony has a hard time working with others in the room. The only exceptions are Bruce and Peter." Steve chided. Thor looked up.

"Peter. How is he?" The god was obviously trying to think of something else. 

"He's doing alright, he's coming to visit tomorrow, I think." Steve paused. "Of course, I don't know if Tony will have much time to work with Pete. He has to take care of Loki." Thor looked crestfallen just at the mention of his brother.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt, but Tony is busy and he asked I tell you instead," FRIDAY spoke over the intercom. "Bruce Banner has arrived, he is waiting in the living room." 

Thor leapt to his feet, Steve followed suit. They had to get Bruce to understand the situation, and fast.

Loki's life might actually depend on it. 

A Murder of Crows ://: ~Loki~Where stories live. Discover now