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Thor barged into the living room, Steve close behind. 

"BANNER!" the god called, "PLEASE, WE NEED YOUR HELP!" 

Bruce was shocked. Was he crying? Why was he crying?

"I-Its my b-brother!" Thor's voice broke when he said 'brother'. 

"What, did he kill someone?" Bruce asked. It seemed like a logical conclusion.

"NO!" The god sounded offended, but it was dulled a little by the fact that he was still sobbing. 

"Alright, then what happened?!" Bruce was getting worried. It wasn't like Thor to cry. 

"P-please, he's hurt...we need your help." The man got quiet, his voice was wavery from crying. 

Loki was hurt?

"What happened?!" Bruce repeated. It really wasn't like Thor to cry, and it looked like he had been crying for a while. 

"Please!" The god cried, "He'll die if you don't help him!" 

Bruce's blood ran cold.


It didn't matter what happened. Someone was dying. 

Bruce let Steve and Thor guide him to the med-bay, where Tony was waiting with Loki. 

"FRIDAY, tell Tony I'm here please," Bruce called to the AI. Almost right after, the door unlocked. A disheveled looking Tony waited inside. He ushered the scientist into the room, locking the door again quickly. 

"Tony, what happened? Were you crying?!" Bruce immediately began to bombard Tony with questions. 

"P-please, we don't have time. I'll tell you after." Tony sounded so tired. "He's bleeding out. He passed out and he just won't wake up." Tony's voice began to waver. "I-I don't...I don't k-know what to do Bruce!" The engineer really looked terrible. 

"Hey, it okay. Just show me where he is." Bruce was still very confused, but that didn't matter. 

Tony lead the scientist to where Loki was lying, placed again under a coma. 

Bruce was shocked. 

First, the god was blue. 

Second, his wrists were slit.

Third, he was shirtless, and his torso was coated from top to bottom in deep scars. 

What happened to this guy?!

Bruce set to work.

He changed the dosage of meds to keep Loki under longer. 

He began to stitch up his arms, but, in doing so, he noticed that there were dozens of other, smaller cuts crisscrossing his arms. He would have to settle for bandaging those and only stitching the life-threatening ones. Tony helped where he could, cleaning wounds. 

The god's body was spotted with blood, his arms had the worst of it. Bruce hated operating on someone who was so bloody, but they would have to clean him up after. 

~Time Skip~

Tony and Bruce allowed Thor into the room after three hours of working. 

"You have to be VERY careful, he's not in great condition," Bruce warned. "His stitches could pop if you touch him anywhere he has them," he added. Thor nodded.

They entered the room together, leading the god to his brother's bedside. 

Thor began to cry again as soon as he saw his brother. 

They had covered him up most of the way with a blanket, (he was so cold to the touch) but the god's scars were still visible.

"Gods, what happened to you..." Thor murmured, running his hand through his brother's soft hair. 

"U-um, Thor, could you explain why your brother is blue?" Tony asked after a long pause, still shaky from earlier. Thor froze.

"Right. My brother is not a god." Thor paused. "What do you know of Jotuns?" The elder god asked. 

"Jotuns?" Bruce repeated. "I've never heard of them." Tony nodded his agreement. Thor sighed.

"Stark, may I see your computer?" He asked. 

"Sure, though I doubt you'll find much about aliens that I don't know." The engineer responded. 

Thor looked hesitant to leave his brother's side, caressing his cold face before standing to show the men what he could find. 

~extremely short time skip~

"We call them Frost Giants," Thor mentioned, showing the scientists an article he had found on Jotuns that was pretty accurate. 

"Huh." Tony read the article quickly. "So your brother is adopted?" He asked finally. 

"Yes. He is a Jotun." Thor concluded. "If he wishes to, he can release the illusion that makes him look Asgardian." Thor paused. "When he is in a Jotun form, he has blue skin and red eyes. His skin is also very cold. If he wanted, he could make himself even colder. If he so chooses to,  then his hands could give a man instant frost-bite to the point of needing an amputation, if the appendage doesn't fall off on its own." He cast a glance back at his brother, still unconscious on the bed. 

The scientists looked nervous.

And maybe a little impressed.

A Murder of Crows ://: ~Loki~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora