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Loki managed to regain control of his himself for just long enough to realize he was sobbing on his brother like a fool. 

He could sense the pitiful eyes of the Avengers on his shaking shoulders. 

He couldn't stand it.

Thor was speaking, but all Loki saw was a trickling flow of black and gold seeping from his jaws like poisonous smoke. 

A tear slipped down the mage's cheeks, and he nearly screamed. 

It sounded like the whispers of darkness and tasted like charcoal and grime. 

In a moment of panic, he sat up rigidly straight and, noting his brother's clear concern, teleported to his room. 

Loki stumbled as he landed, gripping the door handle and placing a ward on his door.

No one could enter without his consent.

In the empty room, colors seeped from the walls and dripped from the ceiling. 

Black and gold smoke engaged in a curling dance.

Thick layers of red coated the ground.

He cowered on his bed, holding his head and biting his lips.

Green smoke rose from his body in twisting spirals. 

Loki felt madness nipping at his heels. 

Black and Gold seeping into his veins. 

The madness was closing in, a pressure at the back of his mind. 

He felt the need to laugh, laugh loudly. 

A laugh filled with orange.

A laugh filled with insanity. 

A heavy hand pounded onto the locked door, a deep voice pleading from nearby.

Loki couldn't stop laughing. 

Finally, a moment of clarity.

A small wisp of blue sliding past the door.

He managed to catch his breath, keeping his eyes squeezed shut so as to avoid seeing the golden smoke that surrounded him. 

Waving his hand and whispering a few words, he managed to remove the ward.

Gold rushed into his mouth, suffocating him. 

He couldn't breathe, couldn't move, couldn't speak. 

"Brother!" Thor entered the room, seeing Loki cowering on the bed. 

Loki made eye contact with him, and his eyes dulled. 

Loki began to laugh, low at first, low and quiet and dangerous. With a few quick, gasping breaths, his laugh gained strength, pouring from his lips with vicious insanity. 

Thor stumbled backward, horrified by his brother's reaction. 

What was happening?!

Why now?!

"Brother...?" Thor was hesitant, he didn't know what to do. 

His heart dropped when he saw the gold and green smoke seeping from his brother. 


Loki was overflowing with toxic magic.

Thor's stomach twisted painfully.

Others have died from toxic magic before.

Loki could die. 

Here was the real problem, Loki could, with his power, expel all of the toxins with little trouble. However, if his brother did so decide to purge himself, it would wipe out at least 4 blocks around the tower. 

Everyone within that radius would be killed instantly. 

Thor thought fast. 

He picked up his brother, careful not to cause him more pain.

Wrapping his arms around Loki, he was relieved when the mage stopped laughing, returning to his pitiful whimpers.

It would be easier to get out of here if the other's didn't think him insane. 

He rushed through the halls, wincing as the burning-cold magic wisped against his arms. 

His pain was nothing compared to the torture of his brother.

Steve, Tony, Bruce, Clint, and Natasha were sitting in the lounge when Thor ran by, carrying a nearly unconscious Loki, who also happened to be leaking some sort of incredibly potent energy, according to FRIDAY.

All five, naturally, stood and chased after the gods. 

Thor didn't bother to wait for the others, he made it to the roof a few seconds before they arrived. 

Tony was panting for breath, Steve looked concerned, and Nat had managed to keep a completely straight face. Bruce looked like he might have a break-down while Clint just stood by, confused and concerned, more so for Thor than Loki. 

"Thor, what the hell is happening to him!?" Tony yelped, seeing the green and gold pouring from Loki's mouth, skin, and even eyes. 

Thor didn't deign to answer him, the warrior was too focused on keeping his brother conscious. 

"Loki, Loki, please. You need to get both of us away from here." Thor ran a shaking hand over his brother's deathly pale face. 

Loki opened his mouth to answer, but he only managed a groan that ended as a sob. The smoke was thickening, the mage couldn't contain the toxins much longer. 

Finally, after a few moments, the god closed his eyes, uttering a spell through the grotesque fog that flowed from his strained jaws. 

Just like that, everyone was on another planet. 

It was a very disorienting experience for humans. 

Thor looked in horror as the Avengers landed next to them. 

This was bad. 

Thor placed his brother against a boulder, hoping that he could hold on long enough for all five others to vacate the premises. 

The Æsir stood and faced the humans, not giving them a snippet of explanation until he hoped they were far enough away from the blast radius. 

"Okay, point-break! You owe us an explanation! What in the hell possessed you to leave your ill brother back there, alone, on an alien planet?!" Tony hissed, angry and confused.

Thor grimaced. He didn't have time to explain everything, and he certainly didn't have time to argue with Stark.

Pushing past them, he was beginning to head back towards his brother when he sensed something very dangerous, and very powerful, heading towards them at top speed. 

The god turned and ran back towards the Avengers, who looked very confused.

He didn't have time to explain, especially not now. 

"GET DOWN!" He shouted, as loud as he could.

They got the message, falling to the ground and covering their heads. 

Just in time. 

As soon as Thor managed to hunker down, a blast of freezing-hot air passed over them. 

Thor just barely managed to keep from crying out as some of the magic dripped onto his back. 

It burnt like a raging fire, spreading over him quickly. 

Finally, it ended.

A blood-curdling scream echoed from the trees. 



Im sorry that this chapter kinda sucks, I'll make a better one tomorrow!

A Murder of Crows ://: ~Loki~Where stories live. Discover now