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Thor and Tony rushed to Loki's room, worried for the god. 

"Brother?" Thor opened the door tentatively, not wanting to scare his sibling. Tony followed close behind Thor, standing on his tip-toes to see into the room over the taller god. 

Thor walked in slowly, his face was one of pity. 

Loki was asleep on the chair, cheeks wet. The Jotun had tears on his pale blue cheeks and he had redrawn some of the gashes on his arms. 

Tony helped Thor search for the tool Loki had used, stopping every now and then to make sure the cheap bandaging on his arm was holding. 

They hadn't wanted to wake him up, he looked so small, so sad, and so very tired. 

Finally, they found an old razor blade. Tony thought Loki might have found it in the bathroom, so Thor rushed to clean out said bathroom. 

After they were satisfied that the bathroom was clean, they headed back to the bedroom. 

Shockingly, Loki was already up. He was sitting upright on the chair, looking down at the ground. He was crying again and he had refastened the bandages properly. 

Thor was silent, but he still went to sit on the floor at the foot of Loki's chair. Tony stayed silent, standing behind the elder brother. 

Loki was the first to talk. 

"I-I didn't mean to worry you." His voice trembled. "P-please don't hurt me..." 

Thor's head darted up. 

"What?" He yelped, making Loki wince. Thor didn't seem to notice his brother's discomfort, getting to his feet and reaching for his brother, presumably to comfort him.

Loki thought otherwise. 

The smaller man flinched sharply and curled into himself with a whimper. 

Tony and Thor were thrown back to the other side of the room.

They sat there, dazed for a few seconds before Tony let out a low groan of pain. Loki gasped and cried twice as hard when he realized what he had done. 

"B-brother, I'm sorry! I-I didn't...I never...." The god was unable to continue as his words were drowned out with big, hiccuping sobs. 

Thor stood hesitantly, he had never seen his brother lose control like that, it frankly scared him a little. 

Tony stayed down, he was having trouble regaining his breath. 

Loki looked horrified, staring at his own hands. 

His eyes swam in his skull, he could barely tell where he was anymore. 

The world around him shifted, dull, muted colors brightened only by scarlet blood. 

A grin and a knife against callous, purple skin. 

Then the younger god looked back up, his expression filled to the brim with fear. 

"P-please, believe me! I-I didn't mean to, I r-really didn't mean to!" His eyes were distant, and his voice had taken on a different tone.

Loki sounded like he was pleading with someone, but his eyes were not fixed on either man. He appeared as though he was looking at someone much taller than both of them, just a little behind both. 

Tony managed to grab a few deep breaths, he hadn't recovered nearly as fast as Thor. 

What was he looking at?

Thor seemed just as worried, taking hesitant steps towards his brother, who was whimpering pleadingly, though he wasn't sure towards who. 

"P-please, my lord, you needn't do this...I-I'm sorry!" Loki was still trying to beg someone not to do something. 

Thor's blood ran cold. He had never seen his brother cower like this.

And 'my lord'?

Something was very wrong here.

Tony stood, keeping his distance but ready to step in if he needed to. He caught a glimpse of the scars on his Loki's back.

Tony had a sickening hunch that this had something to do with those scars. 

 The door opened again.

Tony was about to get whoever had opened the door out before they got caught up in this mess, but before he got the chance to, a small, lithe figure darted into the room.

"Pete! Get out of here now! It's not safe!" Tony hissed, taking a protective step towards the teen. 

Peter did not budge, eyes caught securely on the god, whose eyes had only gotten cloudier, as if Loki was just getting farther away. 

"Oh...Mr. Loki..." Tony paused, that was not the reaction he had expected. 

The boy took quick, short strides until he was as close as Thor was. 

Tony immediately followed, but before he could take a single step, a sound made him stop in his tracks. 

Loki was no longer pleading. 

He was gripping his head, his eyes squeezed shut. 

Instead, the god was screaming, not overly loud, but with a pitch as if he was trying very hard not to make any sound. 

As if he was afraid of what might happen if he screamed. 

Thor was frozen in place, as was Tony.

The only person who broke the hold of the sound was Peter. 

Sweet, little Pete took another step closer.

Tony wanted to stop him, but the sound was so awful.

So Peter stepped closer. 

Within no time at all, Peter had made it to the chair. 

Peter hesitated for a second, wincing as the god's tone grew more panicked.

And then, Peter Parker reached down and hugged Loki. 

If you don't get what's going on, Loki is having PTSD to the situation w/ Thanos. 

U know, when he got tortured. 

Yeah, that. 


Peter's hugs fix everything. 

A Murder of Crows ://: ~Loki~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن