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Peter wrapped his arms around the shivering god. 

Loki fell silent, eyes regaining some semblance of normalcy. 

Loki could see again, he wasn't there. 

He wasn't anywhere near there.

He took a few shallow breaths, trying, and failing, to calm himself completely. 

Feeling a scream building in his throat again, he bit his lip hard. 

Peter pulled away gently, releasing the god from his hug. 

"A-are you alright Mr. Loki?" The boy asked, searching Loki's face for any trace of the earlier panic returning. 

Thor engulfed both of them in a hug, gentle for the sake of his brother. 

"Man of Spiders! Oh, thank you!" The god yipped gratefully, though he kept his voice quiet. 

Loki sat silently, still crying, but the mania from before had worn off. 

Tony took a few tentative steps closer, careful not to scare the smaller god again.

"Hey, Loki, are you alright?" Loki nodded solemnly. "Ok, now, what was that back there?" The engineer kept a careful disposition, keeping his voice low so as to avoid another reaction like before. 

To his dismay, the god began to cry harder and bit his lip again. Thor walked to his brother's side, gently grabbing his hand and trying to convince his brother to calm down. 

Loki's lip began to bleed from the pressure he was placing on it. 

It took a lot of strength to hold back the screaming that threatened to tear his vocal cords. 

"Brother, calm. There is no need to panic. No one here is going to hurt you. I swear it." Thor murmured, cooing and caressing the woundless parts of his brother's hands. 

Loki released his clenched jaw, taking quick breaths. The god was doing his best to stay calm, though he couldn't help the hiccuping sobs that escaped his bloodied lips. 

Finally, Loki was able to relax enough to speak. 

"B-Brother...I-I'm sorry! I-I wasn't-" Loki was interrupted by another hiccup as he tried to catch his breath. "I-I wasn't h-here anymore, I was-I was-" The god was unable to continue, taking shallow, weak breaths while trying to contain his incessant sobbing. 

Thor just shushed his brother softly, pulling him into a hug. 

Loki stopped trying to speak, letting himself cry loudly on his brother's shoulder. 

Peter took a step back. Before the teen could even take a moment to contemplate what had just happened, he found himself engulfed in a tight hug.

Tony looked stricken, perhaps a little panicked. 

"Geez, kid." The engineer let out a breathy laugh, burying his face in Peter's hair.

"M-Mr. Stark? Are you alright?" Peter was a bit confused, he didn't know why Tony was so very worried. He knew that what he did was stupid and dangerous, but Tony wasn't a very touchy guy. Definitely not the 'give you a big ol' hug without good reason' guy. Tony chuckled again. 

"You'll be the death of me one of these days, Pete! At least warn a guy!" Tony was shaken up, more so from Loki's attack than Peter's stunt, but both had sent him for quite the loop. 

"Sorry, I had to do something!" Peter smiled up at Tony, giving an apologetic glance. "He was kinda reminding me of how you get when you have your...attacks." Tony was taken aback, sure he would freak out a bit, but he hadn't ever gotten that bad, right? 

Peter must have noted Tony's distress because he raised his hands, as if in a gesture of surrender, and began to blab as he did whenever he was nervous. 

"I mean, you don't scream really and you don't usually cry but you get my point, right? Like panicky and worried and freaking out and kinda having flashbacks or something?" Tony just hugged him again. 

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Tony let him go, ruffling the teen's hair with a smile. "You just meant that your hugs make everything better for me, so you gave it a try on him, right?" Peter nodded. "Well, thanks for that. You really helped from the look of it. Great job, kid." 

Peter beamed at the compliment. 

~Short Time Skip~

With some help, Thor was able to stop Loki's seemingly endless flow of tears. 

Really, it was a wonder the guy wasn't dead from dehydration at this rate. 

The three of them decided a little cycle, Thor would care for him most of the day since Loki was the most comfortable talking to his brother. Then, when Thor needed to do something, either Tony or Peter would take over. 

Of course, before they could do anything, all three agreed that they needed to convince Loki to have a nice, long chat with everyone. 

He had a hell of a lot to explain. 

Hey guys! 

Thank you for reading so far!

I have some idea's for how this story is gonna go, but I need some input. 

Do you guys want a lot more angst, or a lot more fluff, or a healthy mix of both?

Please feel free to leave some feedback!

A Murder of Crows ://: ~Loki~Where stories live. Discover now