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Stark's tower was different from anywhere Loki had lived before. It was smaller than the palace, but it was also much more modern. It was...odd...to say the least. Everyone gave him cold stares. Snarky, cruel comments trailed around him whenever he walked near the Avengers. 

Loki had been living in the tower for a week now. He was so ready to give up. He had breakdowns a minimum of three times a day, his arms had four layers of bandages, his legs had three, and his clothes were black to hide the blood.

Today, he sat in the living room with Thor. 

He had tried to stay away from his brother as best as he could, he couldn't bear to falter now. Not when he was so close. 

Today, however, he had been forced to be in the same room as his brother. 

Thor kept looking at his brother, waiting for him to say something. But Loki never did. 

"Brother, talk to me." Loki still ignored him. Thor sighed. "Please tell me you aren't planning something stupid, brother." 

"I am not your brother." Loki retorted through clenched teeth.

"Please stop saying that. We grew up together. Father and Mother raised us together. We were the princes of Asgard!" Thor's voice was rising, though it seemed to Loki that the man could never keep his voice quiet for more than a few seconds. "You have to remember that! You were so kind as a boy! You wanted everything to be ideal for Asgard!" Thor's voice was shaky with tears. "Did all of that mean NOTHING!!??" He shouted the last line, and Loki cast an illusion to hide the tears that slipped down his own cheeks. "I only want my brother back," Thor whispered.

Could his brother's words be true? Did Thor...care? The poisonous voice in his head began to whisper.


he couldn't care

you're a monster

a monster

a monster

he hates you

you know he hates you

you know it

he's just trying to keep you placated

he just wants to use you

to keep you on his side long enough to kill you himself

you heard him

all those years ago

he would kill all of the frost giants

he's just been biding his time

he wants to strike you down himself

you keep breaking his heart

do it

draw blood



jump before you hurt him more

jump before he kills you

jump before he cries because of you

jump before Thanos returns

before the titan can make you kill Thor

he hates you

and you hate him too, remember?

And, of course, the voices were right again, they were always right. Now Loki had to act like he hated his brother, if he didn't, his sibling might hear his sobs. 

"I was never your brother." He hissed. "And I don't remember that! I remember living in your shadow!" He was yelling now too, yelling to hide his tears. "I remember wanting a brother but having to live in the dark instead!" He shouted, his voice was shaking. "No, all I have ever wanted is a brother, but instead I got you!" He stood and left quickly. He couldn't stand to see his brother cry. 

Running through the halls, he ran into people, shoving them away. He could only hope no one saw his tears. 

He collapsed in his room, placing a sound barrier, but he was shaking to hard to lock the door. 

He dug through the desk for the shard of glass he kept. 

found it

no one would see


no one would know


no one would care


no one would miss him


But someone saw. In his mad dash through the halls, he nearly pummeled over Clint. The archer was worried, maybe the god was planning something again. 

Walking to Loki's room, he found it to be oddly silent, and there was an odd golden shimmer around the room. 


Trying the door, he found it unlocked. Peeking inside, he was taken aback.

There, on the ground, sat Loki. He was sobbing cradling his arms to his chest. Clint paused and shut the door quickly.

Wait. Loki, the insane, murderous, emotionless monster...CRYING!?

Clint walked away quickly. 

He had to tell someone about this. 

A Murder of Crows ://: ~Loki~Where stories live. Discover now