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After a few minutes, Tony entered the main room, followed closely by Thor, Peter, and Loki.

Everyone sat up a little as Loki walked by slowly.

The tension was thick in the air.

Tony took a seat with Peter by his side. 

The seating is as follows. (IDK Tony Stark's living room layout sue me)

 Steve     Bucky     Nat     Clint    Bruce

     Peter     Tony       Loki      Thor

Anyways, back to story.

Everyone fell silent, waiting for someone else to begin this conversation. 

Finally, Tony spoke up. 

"Alright, why don't you start by asking questions and Loki can answer them?" 

The engineer turned to look at Loki, speaking more quietly.

"Is that alright for you Loki?" 

Loki just nodded, eyes fixed on the ground. 

Clint spoke first. 

"Why did you do it? The attack on New York, the mind control. And now suddenly we're supposed to wallow in pity for you?!" The archer spat, glaring at Loki, who firmly refused to meet his eyes. 

Loki began to breath faster. 

"B-Brother...I-I am not sure I can do this." The god whispered, an edge of panic lacing his voice. 

Thor rested a comforting hand over Loki's own, giving him a comforting smile. 

Loki took a deep breath. 

"I-I never wanted to. I wasn't me." The god paused, hoping he had said enough. 

The look on the archer's face was one of spite. 

So Loki continued, hoping that he could keep the voice in his mind at bay. 

"I-I was..." He took a deep breath, it was harder than he thought to speak of his time with Thanos. "I was being controlled, as you were." 

Clint just looked confused, as did everyone else. 

Luckily for Loki, they dropped the topic.

Bruce was next. 

"W-What happened to you?" The man paused, shooting a glance at the people next to him. "I mean the scars." 

Loki felt his body tense up. 

Just the topic he hoped to avoid. 

He shot a desperate glance at his brother, who wore an expression of concern. 

"Scars?" Steve asked. He had seen the god's arms, but it was pretty obvious what happened there. Were there scars elsewhere?

Loki took a deep breath, trying to calm his muttering mind. 

"Brother, can you help me here?" He asked, looking again at Thor. 

Thor looked puzzled. 

Loki felt a rush of self-hate.

There was no doubt that these memories carried a lot of pain, sharing them with his sibling would mean sharing that pain as well. 

He resigned himself to using spells so as to lessen Thor's pain. 

Loki was physically unable to speak of his torment. 

So, Loki reached for his brother's hand. 

Thor quickly understood, his expression flashing from concern to fear and finally lingering on consent. 

Loki uttered some words under his breath, preparing for the onslaught of pain. 

He wasn't prepared enough apparently. 

He bit his lip hard as the memories were shared. 

He could feel all of it happening in just a few minutes. 

It was torture. 

He focused on using all of his strength to cast dozens of healing spells on Thor, removing a vast majority of the pain. 

Thor would feel a slight itching burn while Loki felt the great pressure of each whip stroke, each violent slice, each burn, each pair of hungry eyes feasting on his misery, and each pair of hands using his battered body for their will and as their own disgusting plaything. 

The only part of the ordeal Thor would see were the memories themselves. 

He would see what happened, either from Loki's own eyes or from the view of a spectator. 

Thor gasped in pain and shivered as Loki pulled his own hands from his brother's. Tears slipped down Thor's cheeks. 

The elder sibling looked down at Loki's slumped form, tears pouring down his face as he clutched his head. 

Thor was horrified. 

Loki had done the spell wrong. 

Thor was supposed to be the one feeling all the pain, but somehow, Loki had felt every second and Thor barely felt a single ache. 

It made more sense when he noticed the green glow around his brother's fingers. 

"O-oh Brother..." Thor dragged Loki into a hug. "Please, it is over, you needn't cry. Stop your magic, you did everything right." 

Loki clutched handfuls of Thor's shirt, whimpering and sobbing quietly. 

Everyone was stunned, though no one understood what happened.

"What was that?!" Steve yelped, confused and significantly more worried than before. 

Thor caressed Loki's soft, raven hair while he thought of how to answer.

"He used magic to show me...everything." Thor paused, feeling tears welling up. 

"Alright that makes sense but why is he so hurt?!" Clint asked, very, very confused.

"The spell makes the receiver feel every second of the memory...Loki must have changed the spell so that he felt the majority, and he used healing spells to remove the rest of the pain for me." Thor felt his voice waver. 

"I-I can tell you what happened." The elder sibling said, still stunned silent by what his brother had been through. 

And so, he began a twisted tale, one of abuse, torture, and (unfortunately) sexual violations.

A Murder of Crows ://: ~Loki~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang