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BabyMinle: Alright which fucker spent money on my wishlist cause tysm ily bb


J.One00: @ CB97 look at this--

BabyMinle: @ J.One00 Dumbass my accounts private

Trotfox: uwu

BabyMinle: @ Trotfox I will block you- Idc if you're 18 now

Trotfox: @ BabyMinle do it coward

J.One00: @ BabyMinle Hyung you're such a bully :(((

BabyMinle: @ J.One00 stfu loser

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Minho ignored Jeongin as he continued to cook himself dinner. The older had muted himself, "Hyung.." The younger whined, "Hyung unblock me." Minho unmuted himself.

"Nope." Once again, Minho muted himself.

"Hyung I'll tell Seungmin." The brunette shrugged to himself and unmuted.

"Go ahead I'll still kick his ass if he tries to fight me." Minho placed a lid on a pot and leaned against the counter, Jeongin letting out a huff, "That's what I thought." He scrolled through his follow requests, accepting adults and rejecting minors.

"Hyung." Minho hummed, "Pleassseeee."

"God you're annoying. I'll do it later." Minho hung up and continued with what he was doing.

"Chris. Chris. Chris. Chris." Chan glanced at his phone, Felix and Jisung speaking in unison.

"You both need duct tape." Felix chuckled while Jisung poked out his tongue, "Jisung next time I see you I'm bringing rope and duct tape."

"Sure you will, you're too soft to hurt someone." Felix hummed,  taking a drink of water. Chan rolled his eyes as he continued working.

"Can't deny that.. Felix seriously though, come back to Korea. You said yourself you wanted to move here." Felix shook his head,  yawning.

"My next trip is next month so calm down. Focus on your work." Chan smiled slightly, Jisung doing work of his own, "By the way. Jisung and I want to introduce you to someone we know on instagram."

"First of all, you both know I can't follow inappropriate pages,  right? My company will scold me." Felix rolled his eyes and Jisung spoke up.

"Who ever said it was inappropriate?" Chan raised a brow at both of them through the camera.

"Have you met yourselves?" Chan looked back at his screen. Jisung threw a book. The thud of the it hitting the wall caused Felix and Chan to jump.

"I quit college! I'm dropping out! That's final!" Felix glared at Jisung.

"I swear to god if I could reach through this screen I'd slap you." Chan smirked and raised a hand.

"I second that. Jisung if you're struggling that much go ask Hyunjin or Changbin for help. Aren't they in the same major?" Jisung nodded and walked off camera to retrieve the book.

"Hyunjin finished college last week. Changbin is in the same major but not the same lecture so I don't know where he is in the lesson." Jisung threw his hands up and fell back on his bed, "Chan-hyung. I'm gonna execute my existence." Felix chuckled and rolled his eyes. Chan looked at the brunette.

"Spell existence, then you can execute it." Jisung groaned out from annoyance. He fell back on his bed.

"Shouldn't you be asleep hyung? When'd you last sleep?" Jisung propped himself up on his elbows and looked at Chan. Chan stayed still and silent. He jumped up slightly.

"Y'know I gotta go do more work. Bye!" Chan hung up before the other two could speak. He crossed his arms and laid his head on the desk, glancing at the time. 2:47 am. He groaned and continued with his work.

A/N: If any of you guys notice a spelling error I apologize. I haven't slept in the past 25 hours and I might be sick so please excuse any mistakes! I tried to fix them as I went but I'm not sure if I got them all.

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