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BabyMinle: I miss him :(((


J.One00: Still on the trip huh?

BabyMinle: @J.One00 IM SUFFERING UGH :(((( I haven't been hugged in so long I don't know what love is anymore

J.One00: @BabyMinle Ok drama queen

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TaeTannie: So, your boy is gone?

BabyMinle: You care why exactly?

TaeTannie: Thought you might be lonely~

BabyMinle: Ew no. I have good friends unlike you

TaeTannie: I can always expose you for who you are.

TaeTannie: It could change how your boy thinks of you~~

BabyMinle: And who am I really?

BabyMinle: I'd love to know.

TaeTannie: I could easily make you look like a cheating liar.

TaeTannie: I still have your old photos.

BabyMinle: Ew.

BabyMinle: Didn't I tell you to delete those?

BabyMinle: Are you seriously that lonely and that pathetic?

BabyMinle: You're actually disgusting.

TaeTannie: It's not gonna be that hard to make them look like snaps ;)

BabyMinle: So you're going to use old nude I sent you when we dated;

BabyMinle: Just to make me look like a whore??

BabyMinle: What a petty bitch.

BabyMinle: You still have my number too I guess?

BabyMinle: Call me.

Minho put his phone on speaker, answering the call, "Alright, listen here you pathetic 3-year-old. I can, and will, screenshot all of that bullshit that you just sent me." The boy let out a dry laugh, running his fingers through his hair, "If you think that he'll believe some 2-faced, shit eating, dirty whore like you, fucking think again. That so-called proof you have? Those are old, I don't live there anymore. Go ahead, send those to him. I. Don't. care." Taehyung clicked his tongue, Minho sitting down on the bed.

"Rude much?" Minho rolled his eyes as the older simply chuckled.

"You expect me to be nice after you said all that? Seriously? How delusional can you get? Does it turn you on knowing I hate you or something?" Minho let out a frustrated sigh, "God just thinking of you makes me want to die."

"Awh, you still think of me~" Minho could practically see the other smiling, "So you do miss me, huh?" Minho rolled his eye.

"Exactly the opposite" Minho leaned on his knees and stared at the floor. There was a moment of silence before either spoke, "Can you just.. let me go? Stop contacting me, stop thinking of me, stop everything involving me? Can't you just accept that we're not together anymore? I'm tired of you trying to play games with me. It's exhausting.." Minho's voice cracked as he spoke. There was a moment of silence before Taehyung spoke.

"You think I agreed to letting you go?" Minho groaned as tears rolled down his cheeks. He wasn't upset, dear no, he was just tired. He rolled his eyes.

"Taehyung-hyung! This isn't a matter of whether you agreed to let me go or not! This is fucking harassment! You're lucky enough I don't call the damn cops on you! You text me almost everyday ever since you found out I moved on wanting the same thing! I'm not a fucking object. Goodbye." Minho hung up and blocked the boys number, knowing it wouldn't last long. He stared at his phone before calling Chan.

"Hey baby."

"Channie.. You'd protect me, right?" Minho wiped his tears. This time, his tears weren't from pent-up feelings or frustrations. They were of fear, "Right?"

"Minho what happened? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah. Everything's ok for now. I- I have a crazy ex who keeps contacting me. I blocked his number but.. He'll  just change it." Minho laid down, hugging one of the pillows, "Please hurry with your trip and come back."

"Minho I want you to stay with Hyunjin or Jisung. Or have one of them stay with you." Minho hummed and nodded, "I'm gonna hang up so you can talk to one of them and make arrangements. I love you." The boy smiled softly as Chan's voice changed from worried to a softer and kinder one.

"I love you too."

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