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The next morning I followed my normal routine until I was at school. As I was taking my books out of my locker I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"Hey Veronica, I was just wondering if you could help me with the acting thing tonight. I mean, it's okay if you can't do it today, I just thought we could start today," he explained, his gaze on the floor the whole time.

"Yeah, we can totally start today but I need you to answer a question for me first," I demanded with a small smirk plastered on my face.

"What is it?"

"Do I... make you nervous?"

Before he could answer the question someone noticeably cleared their throat behind me.

"Sorry, am I interrupting anything?"

"Uh, no actually I was just about to leave but meet me at the auditorium after school," he said while walking backwards.

I turned back to Shawn and rose my eyebrow at him.

"I just came to tell you that I saw Alessia at her locker and I'm having a little get together tonight so you can come if you want."

"By get together you mean party, right?"

"Yeah but it's small, it's not like I'm inviting the whole school."

"Okay, I'll come after I'm done helping Sam. Now, let's go find Alessia," I tell him before he drags me to where he last saw her.

When we get to her locker we notice her walking towards the cafeteria so we begin walking faster until we reach her.

"Alessia!" I call out when she's about to open the door to enter the cafeteria.

She turns and smiles at me before I hug her tightly, "Where have you been? We haven't spoken in like three days, I was so worried."

"Well, I felt super sick at the party so I went home and then my parents asked if I wanted to go on a small trip with them so I said yes but I when I realised I hadn't told you it was too late and I had no service at all," she explained.

"Hey, I'm here too you know," Shawn spoke.

Alessia moves towards him and embraced him in a hug, "Happy now?" she asked him while laughing.

"Yes, actually. It feels nice to get a little love sometimes."

We all laughed together, we were back to normal.


I pushed the doors of the auditorium open and saw Sam sat at the edge of the stage, his legs dangling off it. The main lights were off and only the lights above the stage were on. I walked down the row of seats and up the stairs to the stage.

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