
57 0 0

Europe, 2003

"Mr. Sangster, would you please come up on to the stage?"

Mr. Ken was rather brainless, why would I be up there for some unpleasant speech that is compulsory but pointless? It does not make any sense at all... I walk up on to the stage, shaking, without any clues, these thoughts just squirming all over my head, t'was indescribable.

"Why would I be up here, for an unexpected compulsory and more likely inneficient to read through when it's pointless?" Mr. Ken walked towards me. The lust in his eyes frightened me...t'was as if he were about to capture me, without sudden; there was an unusual stung on my neck. 

Mr. Ken dragged me on the podium and behind the curtains, "Listen child, this is not what I expected from you. You are quite nonsense for these past few days, is there an explanation to why you are acting rather nauseously towards our community? This army needs someone that is immune, fearless, loyal, clever, and more importantly: responsible," Mr. Ken stared at me coldly, sweat beading on my forehead, this suddenness is driving me rather insane. Mr. Ken went straight back on to the podium acting rather plainly, as if nothing had happened for the past thirty seconds he had been talking to me. I went back to my seat and looked at him, coldly. 

Mr. Ken cleared his throat, I was astonished that he didn't react horridly toward me, but still, I was panicking like a hideous moron. Not so long after that foolishness, Mr. Ken called another name. It was rather contrary with what I was thinking...

"Mr. Butterfield, would you please come up on to the stage?" Asa was delighted, in which was unusual and suspicious. I was thinking maybe Min Ho would be called, but not today, and maybe not any other day than was as if Ken and his crew charted out a plan that is far of what I can imagine. Something unorthodoxly arranged for this community...

"Thank you Mr. Ken for this opportunity, I am quite impressed of how you arranged things in an absolute way where we can indulge ourselves into a magnificent journey of our lives as an army," Mr. Ken was quite delighted and impressed. He was beaming with excitement and joy.

"May you're enthusiasm be our inspiration to fight for our community Mr. Butterfield," Mr. Ken gave a smile to confirm that Asa is a 'rolemodel', a good one...

"I would like to apologize that I did not go straight into the speech. As I was saying I would like to express my gratitude by telling you a story, a story that would awaken your minds-," this has gone far enough "-hey! Are you giving us a speech or are you just brainwashing us with your nonsense? Clearly Mr. Ken, he is absolutely unexceptable for this army to accept and admit him to fight in our force," Mr. Ken raised his eyebrows, everyone stared at me blankly.

"Ehm, I beg your pardon? Oh, oh dear! Our leader here is denying what he is doing, clearly Mr. Ken, a person like him might be immune, strong, fearless, but does he deserve to be called responsible? Well, keep your thoughts to yourself and I assure you a reason why he should not be called responsible, but rather childish and foolish," Asa stared at me unsympatheticly, "My thought on this, is that Thomas here, is not the kind of person that you would want in an army, why? Because bringing a teddy bear almost everywhere you go, is foolish and what a pity! Our leader is not 'hard as steel' brilliant!" everyone laughed merrily. I did not, a tear went down my left cheek. Asa squinted at me, I knew I was hurt, I knew he was right. I shan't be the leader if I'm rather soft and gentle...

Teddy is one of those reasons that I am gentle and soft, I hold on to this little stuffed animal to remember that big change in my life and to look up upon my fate. What ever I do, I musn't give up, I musn't give up on my teddy bear, the only friend in this community that I treasure. 

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