Moving Castle 2

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Thomas's Point Of View

We arrived at my castle. It was as usual, the outer part being held together by metal, all morphed into one creating a huge place to live in, I hope Elsa would enjoy her time...

"Well, we're here," I glanced at her, she was beaming with excitement. I can tell that Elsa was very happy, she is showing enthusiasm even after our trip and our arrival at my castle. 

"Thomas! This place is amazing, I can finally feel what freedom is like!" Elsa flung her arms and ran around my castle. She stopped where she was standing before...tears started to come out of her eyes.

"What's the matter?" I felt the same pain that she is having, my heart sank. 

"'s been a long time since the last time I met my father. We used to go out for recreations and make wishes every time the sun sets...I...I can finally be free Thomas, I can feel freedom!" Elsa wiped her tears, I sighed.

"Well, you musn't worry about your past. Tell you what, let us go in and I'll show you every corner of this moving castle," I smiled, she hugged me. 

"Thank you Thomas!"

"Any time dear...," the mission came to my mind, should I go and leave this child? I know I could bring her, but will her parents worry? Her parents don't even care or give affection toward can I tell her all of this madness that is going on with me? Hmm...but I should cut my normal duties...I have a lot of aliases that I couldn't possibly keep track of both of them at the same time...

Elsa's Point Of View

"Thank you Thomas!" I am the most happiest girl on earth! Thomas is such a wonder, he could do so much leisure that are so much fun! I wish I could be him...

"Any time dear..."

"Shall we go in then? I am eager to see every corner of your castle! I bet there are going to be a room full of potions and magic!" Thomas smiled, looking down. He grabbed my hand and lead me into the floating castle.

"So here is the parlour, not bad is it?" I looked around, it seems to be pretty neat, because outside, contrary...

"Is that a reading nook?"

"Quite so, but I personally call it scrutiny corner, or examination aperture...," I glanced at Thomas, he looked normal as usual, looking forward confidently, but I could feel something wasn't right.

"Thomas, are you okay?"

"Of course I am child, I am always fine from the beginning...," I looked at Thomas, in concern...

"You don't seem merry today, are you going to tell me your problem? I can help you fix it..."

"It's okay, I'm fine, shall we?" Thomas let out his hands and I held it, tightly. We continued our tour around the castle...

Thomas's Point Of View 

I think I should inform Elsa that I want to bring her with me on this mission, she would taste and feel freedom and she would be happy..

"Elsa, let us go to my secret spot in this castle," I grabbed her arm and she followed me.

We ran across the halls of the castle and arrived in front of the door, this time a special one. 

"You see that panel Elsa? Every time I turn this knob it will change. There are 4 panels, each panel will lead us to places that are unreachable by normal people but some can...," Elsa looked at it carefully...

"I will show you a place that I go to when I want to be alone and not be disturbed by's a very special place for me...," I turn the knob and opened the door, this time leading to the most fine plains and where green hills are are...

"Thomas, this is beautiful!" Elsa looked at me, I looked away in disappointment...I knew she didn't noticed because right after, she ran down the hill...

"This place is's like I've been here, yet I know that mother wouldn't let me wander off and do my own leisure during a nice afternoon...," I caught up with Elsa, she looked at me in sorrow...

"What's the matter?"

"Thomas, I know you are hiding something, you have to tell me your problems..if one of them is me, I wouldn't hesitate if you send me home safely..."

"Elsa, I will never, even consider to have you as one of my problems..."

"Thomas, I'm not perfect, but...why me? Why not other girls that are even more prettier and more conspicuous than me? I'm just a girl...who is boring, I couldn't make anyone laugh, I only clean and do my mother's orders, I'm ugly...what do you expect from me?" I looked at Elsa, worried.

"No, Elsa, you're beautiful!" she looked down, and I know she's hurt deep down...

"Thomas, I'm sorry but I think I'll have to leave now...," she ran toward the door and quickly went in, I didn't manage to catch up but she went off to the village because of the panels...

Elsa's Point Of View

I ran as fast as I could, I tried to not let Thomas get caught up with me...I decided to go home, since now I know this castle can lead me anywhere I need to go...

"Elsa! Elsa? Where are you?" wait, that's mother! The door must've lead me home...

"Hello mother, I'm very sorry I did not go down, I was too busy up in the attic"

"Well, you better, because, I've got to go and you need to go purchase 6 dozens of cinnamon buns, 2 dozens of baguettes, and 4 dozens of apple pies," she handed me over the money and went off...

Well Elsa, you know that you don't need Thomas to be happy, you can always be happy when you are on your own, with your own daily leisure...just picture that today in the bakery shop would not be that bad... I thought to myself and escorted myself out the door and down the street to pick up my mom's orders...

Helen's Point Of View

"Heldrick, could you keep an eye on my daughter? I do not want her to go around by herself, she should be punished if she does and inform me immediately"

"For sure madame, any more orders?"

"Bring her to me when she goes somewhere else other than the bakery, orders are orders, she should know by now," Elsa will not get any chance to wander off and have 'fun' she would feel ashamed if she does!

"Well, I should be off then Heldrick, good afternoon"

"Good afternoon Mrs. Crowanne"

Thomas's Point Of View

Now I have to find Elsa, I need to explain what I have problems with... there she is! Hold on miss, I am going to grab you!

I flew down in full speed and took Elsa's hands, she tried to let go but I helf her hands tightly, I see some of her mother's body guards are chasing us, but I managed to escape with Elsa...

"Let go of me Thomas!"

"Get ready to have an adventure dear!"


"Hold on tight!"

I smiled and we flew away...

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