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Fortholouette's Point Of View

"Good afternoon, Fortholouette, take a seat"

"Hello Fredrick, how are you gong? Good day?"

"Good day, good day..."

"What's the matter?"

"I have an offer for you"

"What kind? I was here only for 2 moons, tomorrow I will be going back"

"This offer is simple"

"But it will make me think for more than a day to decide whether to accept it or refuse to"

"Well, like I said, it's simple. How about we trade mission-seekers?" 

"Why would you want Thomas as your mission seeker?"

"Thomas seems to have a good reputation and I think he could survive in my mission as well"

"Well Fredrick, that offer of yours is just hysterical! I would not want to trade Thomas for Clinton"

"This is a very unwise decision that you have ever made Forthol!"

"My choices are from my heart, I will never choose if options are desperate"

"Get out of my palace this instant! You are to never come back to this palace ever again!"

"Well, our alliance is cut off I suppose"

"What? No! I-"

"-remember our contract Fredrick? Once you kick me out of your territory, I will never come back here and our alliance would be cut off"

"I changed my mind! I-"

"-Farewell Fredrick, get well soon," as a king I need to be wise, I cannot let any one of my alliances use me as I were just an over-weighted 'your majesty' I need to stand up to temptations that are mouth-watering. I don't and I shan't care of their bullies and anger for there is no point in seeking their words...but Thomas, he's capable and I know that when I come back to my palace I will tell Asa that I have great news that he would like to hear!

"Asa! Asa! I'm home!"

"Father! Great to see you! Here, I prepared our dinner, and I already cleaned your room"

"That's odd, why are you cleaning my room?"

"The maids are out grocery shopping and the guards are training so I took responsibility of everything just for today. I prepared your sheets and your sleep-wear"

"Why thank you Asa! I am proud of you son!" I hugged Asa tightly and he hugged me. 

"Well then, shall we off eating dinner?"

"Right! I prepared the best truffles in our kingdom, creme soup, stuffed turkey and for desert...chocolate pudding!"

"Thank you Asa, I appreciate that"

"So father, how was your day?"

"It was a bit rough but I have good news and bad news"

"What's the good news?"

"Thomas is doing well on the mission and I looked at the global orb in Fredrick's palace and there is a chance that we are going to have victory against the oppopent"

"The bad news?"

"Fredrick cut off our alliance by offering me to trade Thomas with Clinton, you know how horrid Clinton is?"

", you will not have a chance to look at the global orb anymore?"

"Not a chance son, but I got my own orb which is quite small..."

"Why can't you afford a bigger one? Like in Fredrick's palace, it's huge!"

"Well, because of this mission I had to give up half of my possessions so that we could participate on helping this war"


"It's okay, you shan't think about it son, besides, I'm starving!"

"But father, Clinton, why not Clinton?"

"I know Clinton is your friend and he is your best friend. But he has turned into a horrible person, and I do not trust Fredrick's son..."

"Okay father, let's just enjoy our meal...," I smiled at him and we share prayers, we then ate.

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