A Mission Like No Other

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Thomas's Point Of View

We flew to King Fortholouette's palace, I was eager to inform the king that indeed I am going on this mission, with Elsa...

"Where are we Thomas? Are you only going to show me around and then we leave? Well no thank-," I clamped Elsa's mouth and grabbed her hand, she was trying to let go off it but I made sure she couldn't.

"We are going to go to a place far away Elsa..."

"To where? This is not even far away I assure you!"

"How do you know my lady?"

"Because...because I know!"

"Let us not make a big fuss out of it, don't worry, this time you are going to embrace our new adventure!" I walked with Elsa toward the guards and informed them that I have to speak with the King, I gave them the letter that the King as the chief to deliver it to me. They took it and gave me permission to continue walking toward the Fortholouette's parlour, but not Elsa...

"This young lady may not enter Mr. Sangster! She must stay out of this palace, she may stay here with me! If you refuse I will assure both of you will not have access even with the letter, no one will be allowed!" I grab Elsa and we both ran, the guards were after us, hunting us down like wild animals. I decided to cast a spell. I motioned my hand in a certain sequence saying a spell...

"Lapida Forë æíñ Cūrpæcøür!" melting into a river of boiling tar, the guards were bawling uncontrollably, me and Elsa ran off into the King's library, I knew he was always there because Fortholouette wouldn't let his work go undone...

"Good evening Mr. Sangster!"

"You knew that I am right here all along?"

"How could I not? I couldn't help looking at my magical orb, seeing you there with your magic and technique really made me impressed, I suppose you have something to tell me Thomas?"

"Yes of course, I-"

"Before that! Take a seat," Fortholouette welcomed me warmly, he looked at Elsa, "Who's this lovely young lady?"

"I am Elsa your majesty"

"Elsa! What a wonderful name! You may have a seat too miss," I took my seat and Elsa sat next to me, I was looking at Fortholouette excited with the news that I have for him to hear...

"As I was sayi-"

"Hold it....hold it! Ahh! Want some cookies?"

"Thank you your majesty, we appreciate your kindness"

"You are welcome Tn. Sangster! I am sorry I had you facing a sudden encounter down there, it was a test for my students here in the palace!" Fortholouette did not seem to sound like he was in the letter that he wrote...

"Well, as I was saying, I received your letter and I would like to accept the mission," Fortholouette grinned. 

"Well I welcome you then Thomas," he handed me a contract, I read it:

To this I say, as the King of pride and prejudice, I here announce that welcome, to an amazing journey full of wonder and adventures... 

The contract goes on until it says we would be free from this mission until after we have completed the King's request. 

"You majesty, I would like to sign this contract, but in one condition...," I looked at Elsa, she was busy eating the cookies on the table.

"And that is?"

"To bring Elsa with me," Elsa looked up in surprise Fortholouette raised his eyebrows, he was a little concern for Elsa.

"Are you sure Thomas? This mission has a lot of obstacles and it will be a disturbance for Elsa, I suppose...," I looked at Elsa and winked at her, she made a curious look and not so long after that, she nodded.

"It's okay your majesty, I will accompany Thomas on this mission"

"If you insist, if you insist...," he gave a smile and I signed the contract. Fortholouette escorted us toward the entrance and we left.

Fortholouette/Asa's Point Of View

Phew! That was close, my disguise was perfect, time to release the real majesty out of his cage...

"What do you are doing Asa? You were supposed to stop! I was the one that arranged this mission, I could make re-considerations if I were to be you son!" 

"Father, it's okay, I took control of everything. I made sure that Thomas and his girl of his are on this mission, safely..."

"Well then, I was quite impressed by the way you talked to Thomas, that is what I call a great disguise..."

"Only 'great disguise'? I wonder why your expectations are very high towards my career father...that disguise was full of life! Only, there was one problem: you're over-sized belly," father looked at his belly and start drumming on them with both of his hands, I laughed and so did he...if only mother were here...

"Alright then, I should be going by now I need to be heading west, I have an appointment about-"

"-about this war? I know father, everything is going to be alright. I will be getting my Master's degree on wizardry and with a fine wizard just like Thomas on this mission to save everyone, we should express our gratitude, by giving him the thing he wants," I regret everything, what I did to Thomas in the past...how can I be such a horrible person? How can I be so arrogant to him? I shouldn't have done that...but, the past is the past. I need to let go of everything... 

My mom.

My horrid and cruel attitude.

And more importantly, how I manage to stay a very long time in the world of darkness...I shouldn't do that and I shan't remember it, because all I want is happiness in paradise...

Once this war is over, I know I can fix everything...I regret leaving Thomas that time. We were so young yet we know that we are brothers, one blood, my father? Was never my father...but Fortholouette himself refuses that he did not take me from the war...long ago...and once again, a fatal attraction between Europe and Switzerland is happening, we can't refuse to join in this mission, whether there are legitimate reasons, this is a fight that everyone should face, that everyone should be protected from danger...

The changing is now, and now is this second. 

From happiness and laughter, to horror thoughts and terror...how can I be like this?

"Asa, I'm leaving now," father smiled and I gave him a big hug, I know hugs are lame, but I want to show that I thank him for everything he had done for me from the beginning...

"Alright now, good bye Asa, I'll see you in 2 moons!"

"Why do you still use moons father? This is the present, it's called months!"

"Commitment is important and yet I know reality is going to destroy that commitment bit by bit if I do not get into the habit of remembering all these things, kapeesh?" he sounded serious, the commitment of war and wizardry, I nodded and he went off. Good bye father, see you soon...

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