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Thomas's Point Of View

We arrived at Elsa's balcony, she looked exhausted and at seems that I have her in my arms, she's sleeping...

I opened Elsa's bedroom door and carefully put her on her bed, I sat next to her while looking at her sleeping, she looked really tired, I wasn't and so, to overcome boredom I looked around the room. I took a closer look on Elsa's study table. On it, laid a book named 'Castle Wonders' and it was on page 376, chapter 56...

...and so, Edward left Glenda. She sobbed and did not stop. Edward looked back and shouted...

        "It's alright! I will come back safely," a stream of salty water flowed from Edward's eyes...his heart sank and it felt like there where wounds squirming all over his heart....

        "I-I wo-would b-bring b-back all the th-things you h-have ev-ever wanted! I promise, you wouldn't live in pain, sorrow, or even sadness!"

        "Edward! Don't! I don't want those thing, they can never make me happy...," Glenda sobbed and she was sadder than ever...Edward cried...

        "Th-then, what do yo-you want?"

        Glenda took a deep breath...

        "...I...I...!" Glenda ran to Edward and she hugged him without hesitation...

        "I want you!" the moment she said that Edward was shot, Glenda shouted and shouted and shouted!

        "Edward! No...no! Edward!!!!!!!!" Edward tried to wipe the tears of Glenda's face and finally said...

        "I..it's okay...I know, I know...you don't need me to be happy...I...l-lo-...love you!" with another groan of pain...Edward passed away...Glenda was sad forever, broken hearted, and most of all? None can heal her wound deep down in her heart..."

I looked at Elsa, my heart sank. I noticed that I don't deserve her...wait, what am I thinking? In love? No, it cannot be! She's just 13, and I am 11 years older than her...this feeling...what is happening to me?

I finally decided to leave...

"Thomas, where are you going?" I looked at Elsa, she's still closing her eyes, but she's talking...I went back to her bed and sat.

"Why are you leaving so soon? We have got an adventure right?" she coughed a little and sneezed.

"I think you should take a rest, recovery is the key dearest," I looked at Elsa, but she did not look at me, she looked rather ill... 

"I'll see you tomorrow Elsa, we have a big day ahead of us!"

"Thomas, it's okay, I think I wouldn't be useful in this mission after all..."

"What? No! No no no... You will have the mo-"

"-moment of my life? I doubt that..." Elsa looked at me.

"Thomas, it is your decision to bring me or not, but if you do? I thank you...," her right hand was shaking as she held out a pendant, it was a golden flute with a name carved on it, I took it from her and put it on my neck.

"This flute is a pendant, the flute will protect you on your journey and you would be safe and you will never encounter ferocious beasts or anything that can harm you Thomas, and you blow the flute when you need help, you blow on it only when you are desperate of living and it will surely help you. The flute will call on every wizard in all over the world and you will fight against the evilness of this war," she then slept and did not say a word after, I looked down and flew away...

Helen's Point Of View

"Madame! Madame! I, I-"

"Spit it out child!" 

"W-well you see, Mr. Heldrick could not be seen around town..."

"Do I have to care child! Where's my daughter?"

"She is currently ill madame! Now Mrs. Lydiria is taking care of her"

"Thank you for your information, you are dismissed," Elsa is such a threat, that child should be destroyed, and I would be satisfied with my adopted twins! But why is she ill? Has she wander off?

I don't care what she wants, I care of what I want. If I succeed of summoning Fortholouette's heart I would get everything that I want! You are such a genius Helen! What you possess may you hand it down to your next generation - goodness gracious! I won't! Because I don't even care about Elsa or my new adopted twins! Ahahahahaaaaa.....

"Feluca! Feluca!"

"Yes ma'am?"

"Can you call our new guard here, I need to make a consideration if he suits our chateau well or contrary, could you do that simple task right now?"

"Yes ma'am," I waited impatiently, why do maids take so long?

"Good day ma'am, I am Min Ho, I am from Korea and would like to apply as a guard for this chateau"

"Greetings Min Ho, show me what you can do"

"Do what specifically?"

"Idiotic, the expectations here are high my child, you need to have a Bachelor's degree of wizardry, I am going to see your strength and ability by casting three trials and you will do it right now," I motioned my fingers and started the first trial. Min Ho is excellent, a tool for me. He did good on the last one, for a Bachelor's his standards are high, and skill is determined, I can see that in his eyes.

"Well done Min Ho, you did your job well," I held out a hand and he shook mine firmly coming to an agreement that he is now an official guardian.

I know I will be a threat, more of a threat to others than Elsa would be a threat to me, and I will treat everyone with ridicule and pain and they will suffer from slays of knives and evil foolishness of me. You see? Helen Crowanne is a horrible person! Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Long live darkness, evil, suffering and possessions! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

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