Moving Castle

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Big day big day. What to do? What to do...

I here a knock on the door, "Good morning sir, are you Mr. Sangster?" I nodded, his eyes widen, alarmed. Bowed down and stood straight. Gave me a letter that is neatly wax-sealed.

"I will read to you the letter sir," I opened up the letter and he took it from my hand, 

"Greetings young man, I am King Fortholouette and by here I am requesting you to go on an unexpected journey. I know all your strengths and weaknesses. We have been researching and identifying every single aspect of your powers Tn. Sangster. As an unknown King, I have given you a mission. You have to make an attempt to distract everything that is ongoing in the parade. As everyone know, your task is on this letter, you will have to distract the parade and continue until this list is completed. You will be released and you shan't touch or feel freedom in this time of war, you will be cursed forever if you do not complete this mission. Only few get these types of missions, you are destined for it. When I order you, you musn't hesitate for there will be consequences if you fail or refuse to continue on this journey, either you accept or not. It is okay if you do not accept this challenge, I will not be forceful," the chief took a deep breath in and let it out...fortunately continued...

"Do you accept this mission or rather refuse to go on a journey full of adventures and challenges?" I looked at the chief, "May I think over it for at least a day? I assure you that I will escort myself to...the castle, immediately. That is, if you want to give me the address of it, I heard the King moved to the South of Lemmeridia"

"Well, unfortunately the King will not let anyone know about his new hideout but I assure you that there will be a pick up by tomorrow," I nodded and he bowed, I bowed back. 

What should I do? I am an absolute moron if I would not go on this journey...but...I'll think of it later it out with Elsa, no! That will make her worry about me, I would not want her to worry about me, she should take care of herself first and her family, she would have a lot of problems later! Maybe I'll call Zenatti, he should have the answers, since he is an old and experienced wizard, might as well call him! 

I dialed Zenatti's phone number, he picked up the phone and agreed to my meeting in the afternoon later on. 

"Thank you Zenatti, you will be a great help, a multitude of appreciation from me to you, good bye!" I went up to my office and started typing a letter to all the wizards that I know, I would like to ask them if they are being offered to go on this type of journey too. Because, it is first come first serve. I would want to join this mission and completed it with companionship by someone whom I care about...but who is it?

Busy day! I better get going and pick up Elsa, I promised her that I would bring her around and about and discover new lands and adventures a- WAIT! That's it! I should bring Elsa with me, she would have merry times, I am sure she will. I am sure that she is going to have the most unforgettable moment of her life! That is to explore the world outside with my moving castle...

I flew toward Elsa's home, she was studying I sneak inside from their chimney. 

"Good morning Elsa, how are you doing my dear?" Elsa gasped her eyes widened, but she smiled.

"Are we going on an adventure now? I can't wait to see the beautiful sights and and green hills that are just wonderful!" I smiled, I wonder why she is just so cheerful everyday while she faces horrid and hatred from her own mother that gave birth to her from her's a sad encounter. Seeing a girl with actually many problems, yet she face each one with a smile, nevertheless to think of crying or sobbing everyday. 

"You took the words out my mouth miss, I like your enthusiasm, but surely, why are you very eager on this journey?"

"Well, I want to be able to touch and feel freedom Th-thomas, I wa-want t-to-" suddenly she touch her chest, she panted continuously and fell, I helped her up, luckily she stopped panting.

"Are you alright miss?"

"Yes, I am fine, you do not need to worry too much Thomas, I'm just so excited that I got carried away on telling you all that I am going to do on this very day!" she laughed and I smiled but once again, my heart sank...

"Well then, we shall be off!" I held out my hand and she hold on to it. We went out the window into the balcony and take-off. 

We were flying with peacefulness and happiness, but suddenly a familiar pal coming right at's, it's! Asa? What is he doing here? I thought he were to take a doctors degree in chemistry not wizardry...

"Ahh! Good morning Mr. Sangster, and you are?" I gave her a signal not to reply back, she did not and I looked at Asa.

"What do you want? We haven't talked to each other in a very long time, what do you want from me?"

"I want you to tell Fortholouette to not join the mission. Or else, consequences will be harsh child, you better listen to my advice or my army is going to squander upon what you have and you will have nothing but only hatred, selfishness and horrible attitude in you, I will suck in all your powers until you know why I never liked you or want to look forward to spend a man-to-man day with you," Asa squinted at me, I eventually ignored him and flew away, he stood in open air frozen like an idiot, such foolishness. 

"What was that all about Thomas?"

"Nothing, now, our adventure begins at my castle," I grinned and Elsa was in shock.

"Are you a prince? You own a castle?"

"I am not a prince, but yet it is true, I do own a castle, and it is not the castle that has royal ornaments and decorations like in fairy tales, but it moves around and about," I chuckled Elsa raised her eyebrow, she was even more curious.

"Well, shall we keep moving? I'm so eager to see this castle of yours!"

"If you insist my dear," she flew to my castle with full of excitement and energy. For now, let's just say that that mission is going second on my list, I have a one-day adventure to start with Elsa, to make her happy...

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