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  "This is a new house. A new beginning. things will change." - Unknown



A new move and change of scenery is great right? Well not for some people, except for Iris, but she doesn't know it yet.

Iris' mother and father decided that a new change would be good for her brother and Iris, of course Iris doesn't think so, but her brother well... let's say he's excited for the move.

Her mother got a job offering in The city of Manchester, UK, as a manager for a fashion business called
'Empire Fashion', it's known world wide so this was going to be a big change. Her mother gladly excepted the job and Iris' father was a doctor and he also gave up his job to this big move.

Her mother was a very fashionable woman, she was also very smart. Iris looked up to her as a role model. Iris has long brown hair and light blue eyes, she was short for her age but so was her grandmother, Ana, she's 5'0" and petite.

Before this 'big move' they lived in a little town, in the U.S., called Bandera, Texas. It's a little town, everyone knows everyone, there were little shops, houses and businesses. Iris loved it there, and she wants so badly to go back. But they can't.

Iris has to leave all of her friends and family. Sad, right?

So now there driving to there new house after they landed in Manchester. The house is a very historic house outside of town. It was built in the 1800s, the towns people say that its haunted but is it really? Maybe.

There was a family living there in 1846, the Styles. Sadly, in 1864 there was a terrible accident that day. The Styles family was murdered in there home on October, 7, 1864.
The killer was never found, still to this day. The police gave up in the 1900s and the family didn't make it out alive. Who ever the murderer was didn't like them very well, he/she brutally stabbed and ripped anything they could get from there body's.

People say one of the children, who's name was Harry Styles, he haunts the home, still with unfinished business to find his killer. He was only eighteen at the time of his death. There was a family before the Holmes who lived there with their three kids, one of the children said he saw a figure of a teenage boy in a bedroom with green eyes and brown curly hair.

The little boy said that the figure talked to him for hours and playing with him, of course his parents brought him to the doctor...but there was nothing wrong.


We pull up into the huge driveway and I take a look at our new house. It looks old. The paint color is an ugly green and the trim is a burgundy kinda color. Apparently it's a historic house, and haunted. Yeah sure haunted, I don't believe in ghosts.

"Who's excited?!" My mom says excitedly. Yeah not me.

I don't say anything, all I do is turn my music up louder so I don't have to hear my brothers voice.
I feel my AirPods get taken out. C'mon! Ugh.

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