Chapter 43 I dont want to die

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I was panicking. I didn't know what to do.

I was going to look around for my phone to call the cops but the only thing I saw were thick clouds of smoke engulfing me sucking the oxygen out of my lungs.

A window, I needed to get to a window.

I ran over to the far wall of my room and pressed my body against the cool wall until I felt the window.

I slammed my fist against the window and once I realized that wasn't going to work I began to pull at the window.

It didn't budge.

Which is odd.

Because my windows don't lock.

At this point I was freaking out. My eyes were stinging from the smoke so I shut them and I started to cough uncontrollably.

I stumbled out of my room towards the living room where I felt the blazing flames mocking me giving me the only option to turn around back into my room.

I was trapped.

I opened my eyes just a bit and I saw the house was only on fire in the front, the rest of the house wasn't currently burning, it just felt that way.

The door, it was engulfed in flames along with the two windows next to it. My only way of escape was the back door, or my bedroom window; which is now somehow blocked off.

But it didn't matter, I wasn't going to make it. I was already on my knees suffocating.

The insides of my body felt as if they were actually on fire, and I was sure I'd gone blind.

"I don't want to die." Was the last thing I'd whispered before I blacked out.


When I woke up I wasn't at home, I had an uncomfortable mask strapped to my face and IVs attached to my arm.

I was in the hospital, but I was alive.

I breathed a deep breath thankful for fresh air.
I was thankful I was alive; lucky, as well.

I had many questions and suspicions of what happened, hopefully the doctor could confirm them.

A small lady walked in with a perky smiled and she jotted some things down on a clipboard after checking the screen that beeped along the same rhythm as my heart beat.

"I see you're awake, Soelhyun." The doctor smiled at me. "And I assume you have some questions I can answer." I nodded "Good news is that there are minor injuries, and you'll be released by tomorrow."


She nodded "Your brain was lacking oxygen for a couple minutes, that's extremely dangerous and although we don't feel as if there should be any concern we want to monitor you carefully. That and your right wrist was sprained attempting to smash the window I believe."

I nodded. "Who did it?"

The doctor looked at me confused. "Wasn't it you? The report says you left the burner on in the kitchen, although they are doing further investigation."

I shook my head violently "No, no I didn't cook anything. Someone is after me and I know who! Today is the trial for putting Jackson away, I can't miss this." I said as I was getting up but she surprisingly ran over and held me down softly.

"No ma'am. You can't go until cleared I'm sorry, they'll have to reschedule."

"Please, his fans did this to me. If I don't lock him up I won't be safe." I pleaded.

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