Chapter 17

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Will's POV

Training's been hard these days. But I didn't dwell on that too much. At least we were getting better. And that was good enough for me.

Anyways, back to the topic. I had to shoot my arrows not only dead on accurate, but as fast as someone could shoot unlimited bullets that reload automatically. But luckily, I was getting the hang of it. in fact, I think I got better that Lady Artemis herself. I didn't dare say that though. I didn't want my own butt to be a pincushion.

"Looks like we're almost out of time! I will check your progress and then you will be dismissed," Lord Aether announced. He picked up his clipboard and walked to each of my group members. I was the third.

"Alright, Will. Show me what ya got," he said warmly. I held my bow in place and aimed for the bull's eye. When I got my position ready! I fired and quickly reloaded and fired once more. Again and again I shot. I stopped when my 100th arrow was split.

"Nice job, Will. 58 seconds! Just work on getting ready and you'll be one of the best archers out there," Aether smiled before moving to the next person.

I sighed. I needed to work harder. I strived to make a difference in this war. I wanted to make a difference. Well, I was going to do just that... Just not right now.

I had close combat class, my main one. I groaned. I utterly sucked at close combat. My fight literally lasts three seconds in close combat. Second 1: Jumps in battle. Second 2: Raises sword. And lastly, second 3: Gets disarmed.

I was determined to do better. Suddenly, the horn rang three times, loud and clear. An attack at the border. Campers ran toward Thalia's pine tree. I did as well, but when I got there, I stopped to a complete halt.

Kronos. He was crouching at near the pine tree, chanting something I couldn't make out. Nothing happened for a while, but then the boundaries flashed and crackled before melting before our eyes.

Our side gasped. "Kronos! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be gone!" Clarisse shouted angrily.

Said titan just smiled. "Soon, daughter of Ares. Soon." He then flashed away.

I peeked at the enemy. Minor titans, and famous greek monsters were scattered everywhere. That's when they charged. I pulled out my bow as quick as I could. Gold and silver arrows impaled monster and titans. Gold for Apollo kids and silver for the Hunters. Other campers charged into battle. I shot a clump of monsters that surrounded me. As soon as I thought it was safe enough, I climbed up a nearby tree. I reached the top and balanced myself on a branch.

I shot all the monsters that I could not miss. Then, I noticed one of my youngest siblings trying to fend off a cyclops. I couldn't kill it without allowing the cyclops to collapse on her. Unless... I shot behind it's knees. I aimed an arrow at its left knee. I fired. Then I shot its other knee and he fell on his back. I then proceeded to shoot his heart. He disappeared in a shadow. Weird...

Ashley looked around until she spotted me. I smiled and waved. She grinned and got back to the fight. I did as well. After a while my arrows ran out. Well, my quiver is unlimited, but it needed to recharge.

"Di immortales," I muttered. I reluctantly took out my dagger and carefully climbed down the tree. I took a deep breath, and advanced toward the nearest monster which happened to be the Nemean Lion. Great choice, Will. It was too late to back down, as it had already spotted me.

I shakily held up my dagger. He gave a roar that blew me back a couple feet. Alright. Didn't Percy say that you needed to aim at his mouth? The lion bounded towards me. I panicked but held my ground. At the last moment, I rolled to the side. It skidded a few feet, before turning my way. I gulped while he roared. I threw my dagger towards his mouth. It couldn't be that hard. Unfortunately, I was wrong. The lion snapped his mouth shut and swatted my dagger far away.

Percy Jackson , Protector of EarthWhere stories live. Discover now