Chapter 2

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Please be informed that these earlier chapters are samples and starting from 12 March I will remove the rest of the chapters published in Wattpad. (chapter 18 - 43/end) because I just signed a contract with a reading apps and my story is now available in a paid platform (G**dnovel).

For some readers who left complaints in the comment after discovering this, I understand your disappointment but please be respectful. No need to use offensive emojis and abusive language. Everyday writers on Wattpad are struggling to deliver good stories for readers, pouring all their hearts and efforts into it.

For all of you who has reached out to me politely, thank you very much. It's good to know there are still good people out there who appreciate aspired writers like me who's still struggling to make a living out of it. For you who choose to follow my story in paid program, I can't thank you enough. It means so much to me to be rewarded for my work.

For you who have just stumbled upon this chapter, now that you know this is a sample, you can decide whether to follow it or not. If you choose to continue reading, thank you. Know that you have helped and supported an aspired writer to grow and thrive. If you don't, it's OK and thank you for giving my story a chance.


Ava spent the rest of the day trying to convince her mother. She told her over and over again about the incident, making sure she didn't miss a single detail. If mother could trust her even a little, maybe she would be willing to coax father to cancel the marriage.

She totally lost hope the next day. She had been restless all day. No longer having her usual appetite, she couldn't eat more than a few bites of toast. She couldn't sleep either, not when something very bad was coming upon her. She paced back and forth in her bedroom. Father and mother had gone in the morning. They didn't told any of the servants where they went or when they might be back. Last night after hours of relentless talk, Desiree finally said that she would try to talk to her father. Ava had high expectation that her father eventually would change his mind. Mother always had an irrefutable power and influence over him.

After a long, torturing hours of waiting, she heard the coach arriving at the main door. Looking down through the window, she saw the black polished coach of her father down the street. She ran downstairs and found the servants bringing stacks of boxes, so many beautiful boxes. Her mother appeared in the doorway, father was walking behind her.

"Darling, you should see all this. Everything is just splendid!"

Her voice was bursting with excitement. She opened one of the box on the top of the stack and drew out a beautiful patterned fabric. She continued unboxing the next.

"Mother, what are these?" She asked in suspicion, suddenly got the sick feeling in her stomach.

"We don't have much time to buy you enough wedding trousseau, darling, but we've done our best. We literally depleted all the shops in Bond Street. Look how beautiful these silks are. They are imported from China..."

"Mother!!! I'm not going to marry that leeching scum! Not until the doom's day!"

"Ava! Stop saying that foul words. Such a thing is beneath you, you're going to be a lady!"

"I'd better be a servant than be his lady. I despise him!"

"Silent!" The duke fired, and they both gasped.

Her father looked at her with icy cold eyes and she froze immediately.

"Listen to me, young lady. I have something to tell you, and I'm only going to say it once." Something in his tone made her shrink.

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