Chapter 1

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lol okay I'm too lazy to think of a title for every chapter ok...?

This is a sequel to "Sunflower", where Len knew he has a crush on Fukase but didn't know how to approach the memelord. But... I guess love will find a way?

This is my ever first long story, updates are totally depending on my schedule and is not routine. 

* Disclaimer: I do not own the characters! *

* Cover by me using MMD; SOUR Len and TDA Fukase by jjinomu were used *

"S-Stop pushing me Rin...!!!" Knowing who Rin was pushing himself to, Len held on tight to the nearest handrail.

"Oh come on!" Rin rolled her eyes. "He said 'you are the brightest sunflower'! You definitely have a chance! Now go talk to him!"

"B-But that doesn't mean he sees me that way..." Len blushed and peeked at the red-haired boy who was leaning against the wall and chatting with friends.

"Well, if you never try you never know!" With an optimistic personality, Rin gave Len a big smile and encouraged her mirror-image counterpart.

"I-I'm just not ready-?!"

Just as Len was going to say anything more, Rin pushed him hard enough and Len had to take a few steps forward before he could balance himself again. Before Len could react, he was already standing in front of Fukase and his friends.

"A-ah... I..." Embarrassment filled Len's body and he just hoped he could run away now.

"... Hey." Fukase looked at Len with a gentle smile.

"I ah..." Len swallowed before he continued. "I was just passing through... then I saw you here... might as well say hello..."

Fukase noticed Len being all nervous and uneasy, but what interested him even more was how Len was so intense that even his ears got bloody red.

*How cute.*

"Where are you up to now?" The redhead finally asked.

"I've got songs to record... So I need to go to the Studio..." Len noticed Fukase's friends, Yuuma and Cyber Songman were looking at Len in a questionable expression, and it made him felt even more shy. "So yeah...! I better get going, see ya!"

As the boys watched Len dashing away and with face-palmed Rin leaving to her class, Cyber Songman let out a big laugh and took a sip from his pop can.

"Dude! You see that popular blonde kid just now? He was totally acting funny around us!"

"Not around us... but around our memelord Fukase..." Yuuma grinned as Fukase gave him an annoyed look.

"Ooh what did our badass friend do to such an innocent blue-eyes?"

"I bet he's not just a badass, but is also interested on someone's as-"

Yuuma was forced to shut up when Fukase stomped his foot hard. "OUCH!!!"

Cyber Songman gave Fukase a thumbs up as he kept on laughing with excitement. "Wait so Len Kagamine has a crush on you? Is that true?"

"How am I supposed to know." Fukase shrugged. "He's kind of difficult to understand sometimes."

"Well either way you have to make up your mind just incase banana boy confess to you or something." Yuuma recovered from the pain and spoke. "Are you going to reject him or... join the gay pride?"

"... Said by someone who has a crush on my friend Piko." Fukase hit it back hard with that statement.

"Agh stop teasing me okay?!" Yuuma got his face all red. His thoughts of being love at first sight when he met Piko immediately popped up in his head.

Fukase smirked before he waved goodbye to his pals and walked towards the studio; he also got songs to record; as he opened the studio front door, the cute blonde who he just had conversation with was standing inside the recording room, clearly surprised once again to see Fukase being here.

"Hello...?" Len felt stupid for saying that despite they just met each other few minutes ago; and he knew Fukase found that funny too as the redhead started to chuckle. "Y-You got songs to record as well...?"


Fukase tried his best not to laugh any longer as he knew this would only make the blonde even more overwhelmed, however a big smile was still on his face. "... You forget that, huh?"

"W-what?" Len could feel that his face just got hotter and hotter.


Fukase stepped closer and closer to Len, and the latter one slowly moved backwards until he has no more space to hide. The blonde blinked hard as Fukase was only a few inches away from him.

"... Magnet."

"H-Huh...?" A dreamy look began to form on Len's face as his biggest weakness was Fukase's soft voice.

"We are singing a song together, blue-eyes." Fukase took the other headphone on the table.

"We are singing Magnet."

Before FukaLen, there's Fukase and Len.Where stories live. Discover now