Chapter 2

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A big blush began to form on Len's face; he would always get embarrassed whenever he gets to sing a love song with anyone, but singing this classic song with his crush? God things just gone beyond embarrassment!

"Relax, you've sung this song like a million times with so many people." Fukase put on his headphone and wait for the music to come.

Len swallowed before he tries to focus back on the music as he heard instrument coming from his headphone. The blonde closed his eyes and began to sing his lines.

Waiting for his part to come, Fukase silently observed his smaller partner.

*His voice is really cute...*

*His body is so small it looks like it's going to break if force applies on him...*

The redhead slowly refocused himself back to the song and sing; Len blinked and watched.

*Aaaaahh his voice is so good <3*

*Why do I only get to sing with him now? This should have happened months before! *

Fukase gazed down to Len as he felt staring coming from him; he couldn't help but smile as he saw the blonde's cute reaction.

The two looked at each other as they began to sing the duet part; their voices blended together like a wonderful color mixture of sunset.

Suddenly, Len felt a gentle touch coming down from his left hand. He didn't have to look to figure out the situation... Fukase was holding his hand...!!!

Holding his very best not to scream, the blonde followed the song lyrics half-heartedly as nervousness and shyness kept raising in his mind. Lucky enough he has many music experiences to keep him singing at the right tempo.

The redhead took the advantage and intertwined his hand with Len's. He just had to do this after witnessing the blonde's adorableness.

*These are pretty small hands for a boy*

With that thought in mind, Fukase gently looked at Len as the two sings along.

After it felt like decades have passed to Len, the song was finished and Fukase looked deep into Len's blue-eyes once more before he slowly released his hand.

"Fu... Fukase?" Len kept on blushing. "W-What was that for?"

Fukase took a minute or two to think before he responded. "... I don't know. Why? You don't like it?"

Len blushed even harder. "I didn't mean it that way..."

"I guess I got into the song a bit too much." Fukase chuckled a bit. "That's what the Magnet cover looks like, you know, two people intertwining their hands."

Before FukaLen, there's Fukase and Len.Where stories live. Discover now