Chapter 5

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Even though Len promised he'll help Fukase, he didn't know where to begin with.

The only class they share was music; other than that Len couldn't get to see Fukase much. He could have asked Fukase out, but he was too shy to do so.

And despite the two got closer than before, Fukase didn't actually contact Len that often either.

*... Did he really mean it when he said he's gonna change...?*

Len pouted his face as he walked slowly along the street; today was his day-off yet he wasn't sure where to go so he only wanders around.

The blonde then pulled out his phone from his jacket and searched for a number to dial; the phone number that would also made him nervous just by looking at it.

*It's also Fukase's day-off today... Can I call him now? What if he's busy...?*

"Boy~ What are you doing here alone, cutie?"

Suddenly, a muscular stranger approached Len with a pervert smile on his face that made Len really uncomfortable.

"I don't know you, sir." Len quickly slipped his phone back to his jacket without paying much attention to it and replied.

"I know I know... But let's give each other a chance to get to know each other more, yes?" The man kept walking closer and closer to Len; clearly he wanted something from the blonde. "I mean, you need company, right? That's why you walked into this area."

"W-What area?"

Len looked around and was completely shocked to see where he had headed to... This street is full of homosexual bars...!!! He must have been busy thinking about Fukase the whole time and wasn't aware of the place he was going...!

"U-Umm sorry I'm not familiar to this area, I-I simply walked to the wrong direction-"

"Oh that's what every newcomer said when they first arrived here~" The man forcefully grabbed Len into his arms. "Don't be shy, we're all the same!"

"I!!!" Len wanted to deny that, but the fact that he's crushing on a boy makes him undeniable to the man's statement.

"My name is Dicky, and what's yours my sweetheart?" Dicky's face got closer to Len and it seems like he was going to kiss him in any minute.

"Please just let me go!!!" Len struggled hard but his strength was nothing compared to Dicky's.

"I'll be gentle don't worry-"

"He's with me."

Before FukaLen, there's Fukase and Len.Where stories live. Discover now