Chapter 7

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Wait so she is pregnant? Asked, Fp for the 5th time.

Yes. Said, the doctor.

Dad, please don't be mad at me. Said, Y/n

I'm not mad at you but who is the father? Asked, Fp.

Jason. Said, Y/n.

You got pregnant by a  Blossom. Said, Fp.

Yes, please don't be angry with me. Said, Y/n

Sweetheart you're awake thank god. Said, Alice.

What do you want? Asked Y/n.

You are my daughter and I'm worried about you.  Said, Alice.

Then why the hell did you bring him? Asked. Y/n.

He is your step-father so of course, he is here. Said, Alice.

I don't want him here get him out of here. Said, Y/n about to cry.

Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave this room right now. Said, the doctor.

Fine. Said, Hal.

Young man can you leave I just want family in this room right now. Said, Alice.

No, he stays he is my baby's father he stays. Said, Y/n holding on to Jason's arms.

Okay, I will stay. Said, Jason laying next to Y/n while putting his hand on her belly rubbing it.

Fine. Said, Alice sitting down next to Y/n.

Hey sis how are you feeling? Asked, Betty while Polly is just coming in.

I'm alright. Said, Y/n

So Jason you just cheated on me with my older sister. Said, Polly pissed.

Polly this is not the time but just saying I broke up with you we were not even dating when Y/n and slept together. Said Jason not moving from where he was.

Polly if you are just going to be a bitch then you can leave because Jason and I are not dating it was a one night stand that happened and we both found comfort in each other so just leave us the hell alone and our baby alone. Said, Y/n.

Fine. Said, Polly, leaving.

So Jason doe your parents know yet about the baby? Asked, Alice as Fp sits next to her.

Not yet you know how they are and I don't want to deal with them right now. Said, Jason.

Jason phone starts ringing.

Uggg. Said, Jason.

Who is it? Asked Y/n

My mother. Said, Jason, answering the phone call.

Phone call.....

j-Mom what is it I'm busy.

P-Sweetheart your sister fell down the stairs she's on her way to the hospital.

J-Is she okay?

P-We are not sure yet

J- Okay well I'm in the hospital now so

P- Wait why are you in the hospital?

J-Y/n passed out I brought her in.

P-oh, okay see you soon.

Phone call end.

Ugg. Said Jason.

What Happened? Asked Y/n

Cheryl fell down the stairs. Said, Jason.

That isn't like Cheryl. Said, Y/n

I know. Said Jason.

That's horrible. Said, Alice.

Yeah but I don't think she fell. Said, Jason.

Jas I know how much you hate your parent but do you really think the wold push Cheryl down the stairs. Said, Y/n

I don't know what they are capable of but I wouldn't put it past them. Said, Jason.

 Mr. Blossom your sister is here may I speak to you. Said the doctor.

Yeah, Said Jason can we do it in here? 

Of course.

I'm not sure the fall for Cheryl was an accident. Sid the doctor.

I knew it. Whispered Jason.

So what you think she was pushed down them. Said, Y/n.

Maybe I have called Sheriff Keller so he will talk to you. Said, the doctor.

* That is it for this chapter hope you enjoyed it. Comment how you like the story*

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