Chapter 9

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Jughead: Our story is about a small town, and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the world... Safe. Decent. Innocent. Get closer, though, and you start seeing the shadows underneath. The name of our town is Riverdale. And our story begins with what happened with the Blossom twins and my sister did this summer. On the fourth of July, just after dawn, Jason and Cheryl Blossom and Y/n Jones drove to Sweetwater River for an early morning boat ride. 

Cheryl: Are you scared, Jason?

Jason shakes his head no.

Jughead: the next thing we know happened for sure is that Dilton Doiley was leading Riverdale's Boy Scout Troop on a bird-watching expedition, came upon Cheryl and Y/n by the river's edge.

Cheryl: Jason...

Riverdale Police dragged Sweetwater River for Jason's body, but never found it.

Alice: If he is dead, Hal, I hope in those last moments he suffered. May Jason Blossom burn in hell. 

Jughead: So a week later, the Blossom family buried an empty casket and Jason's death was ruled an accident, as the story that Cheryl and Y/n told made the rounds. That Cheryl dropped a glove in the water, and Jason reached down to get it, and accidentally tipped the boat, and panicked, and drowned. As for us, we were still talking about the "July Fourth tragedy" on the last day of summer vacation, when a new mystery rolled into town. 

Cheryl: Thank you for that moment of silence. Many of you were lucky enough to have known my brother personally. Each and every one of you meant the world to Jason. Specially Y/n. I loved my brother. He was and always will be my soulmate. So I speak with the confidence only a twin could have... Jason wouldn't want us to spend the year mourning. Jason would want us to move on with our lives. Which is why I've asked the School Board not to cancel the Back-to-School semiformal. But rather, to let us use it as a way to heal, collectively, and celebrate my brother's too, too short life on this mortal coil. Thank you all.

Veronica: Can I join?

Betty: Yeah.

V: What are we doing?

B: Listening to one of Archie's songs. 

Kevin: I thought we were going to have to pretend to like it, but it's actually really good.

V: Wait, that was you singing? Something you wrote? 

Archie: It's rough.

B: NO, it's great.

V: It's incredible, actually;;y the little snippet I heard. Is that your thing? Music? Are you doing something with it?

A: Yeah, that's the plan. So how's your first day going? Good?

V: Not to be a complete narcissist, but I thought people would be more...

K: Obsessed with you? Any other year, you'd be trending number one, for sure. This year, though, it's all about Cheryl and Y/n trying to win the Best Supporting Pscho Oscar for the role as Riverdale High's bereaved Red and Brunette Widow.

A: Hey I should go. I got that meeting with Grundy and then football tryouts, so.

V: You play football, too? What don't you do?

Cheryl: Veronica Lodge, I"d head whisperings. I'm Cheryl Blossom, may I sit? Betty, would you mind?  So, what are you three hens gossiping about? Archie's Efron-esque emergence from the chrysalis of puberty?  

V: Extracurriculars. Weatherbee wants me to sign up for a few. 

C: Cheerleading. You must. I am senior captain and Y/n is co-captain of the River Vixens.

K: Is cheerleading still a thing?

C: Is being the gay best friend still a thing? Some people say it's retro, I say it's eternal and iconic.

V: At Spence, I sat at the top of the Elites' pyramid. I'm in. Betty, you're trying out, too.

C: Betty can't actually because she isn't allowed near my co-captain.

V: Who says?

C: Sheriff Keller.

V: What was that about?

B: My sister Y/n is pregnant and I keep stressing her out so until the baby is born I can't talk to her and if she is having a bad day which she is it stresses her out more seeing me.

V: How do you know? Why do you stress her out?

B: Just the way Cheryl says it I know and I stress her out because we don't have the same dad, and my dad stresses her out and when I try to have her talk to our mom she gets stressed. So anytime she sees me she freaks out.

V: That's horrible... So who got her knocked up?

B: Jason Blossom...

V: So still try out with me.

B: Fine.

V&B: We're blue and gold! We're dynamite! We'll take you down, and fight and fight! Whoo! Go, Bulldogs!

Y/n: Ladies, where's the heat? Where's the sizzle? 

V: Well, you haven't seen our big finish yet.

Betty and Veronica kiss...

C: Check your sell-by date, ladies, faux lesbian kissing hasn't been taboo since 1994. So let' see if you do better with the interview portion of our audition. Betty, how's your sister doing?

B: Um, Polly is fine, thanks for asking. For Y/n no idea she won't let me take to her.

C: Veronica, has Betty told you about her sisters yet?

Um, not Polly only Y/n.

C: Go ahead, Betty. Tell Veronica about your sister and my dear brother. 

B: Polly and Jason dated but soon broke up because Jason said she was very possessive and crazy then a few weeks go by and he sleeps with my other sister Y/n.

C: I wouldn't say "dated" as you say they were "together" for like a week. Also that's why our sister had a break down because of Jason and Y/n having a baby together that she has to live in a group home.

B: That's what my parents think.

C: What do you have to say about that Betty. Go ahead, the floor is yours. 

B: Cheryl I am so sorry you lost Jason and for you Y/n I am so sorry that you lost your best friend and the father of your baby.

Y/n: Well, Veronica welcome to the River Vixens. Dear sister later.

V: Wait, why does Betty not get in Y/n just because she wouldn't tell the truth.

Y/n: No because I will never have Betty be a cheerleader.

V: That makes no sense.

Y: Fine you want to know because it's her and the Coopers fault that this happened to Jason. It's always about poor little Polly or Betty.

Kevin and Moose are at Sweetwater River then they find it. They find Jason Blossom's body with a bullet in his head. Y/n is at the trailer sleeping holding on to her stomach as she slept.

* That is it for the chapter I will include a lot of stuff from the episodes not all episodes but this chapter is the first day of school I don't own any of Riverdale only my character and what's happening with her. And that's it until I update next.*

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