Chapter 19

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Y/n: My sister had a seizure. No one told me but when the farm came to town. Something happened and my mom now believes the farm is a good thing. Betty is now taking medicine and won't tell anyone else she had a seizure. Today Betty and I are going to Pops to talk and rant about anything we need to rant about. I don't trust my mother to be left alone with my children anymore so we took them with us. So Betty was catching me up on what's happening with Archie. He is now in Juvie.

 So I haven't been with the Serpents that much so I'm all out of the loop so the Ghoulies had kidnapped the dog Hot dog. So Cheryl got her bows out and we all know all hell breaks loose when she gets out her bows. 

Veronica and I have been talking and she is trying to find a way to get Archie out of Juvie. Archie has met some people from the Juvie he's name is Mad Dog. Archie also now has a fake Serpent tattoo to protect him. He also told me that Joaquin is also in there. 

Now I am in Juvie talking to Joaquin about why he's here. He won't tell me anything.  But he also has never trusted me. Joaquin did ask me how's Kevin is doing. Of course though. Now I am talking to Archie. He just doesn't listen though. He did say there is something sketchy about this place. 

Now with my brother, he is now into Griffins and Gargoyles. He has been playing in Dilton Doiley bunker. I told Betty and she had a flip out. We both talked to him and he agreed that he would stop playing. One day Jug was still playing the game so I told dad. He went see him took the book and burned it and apparently mom was also with him. They said now no one can ever play this game ever again.

But the next day everyone is playing. We found out that Ethel also plays the game and then, later on, she had another seizure. No one does know how they are getting seizures. Archie has also joined a fight club in Juvie. All the parents are saying how bad this game is. The parents that are trying to get the children to stop are Fp Jones, Alice Smith, Clifford Blossom, Tom Keller, Hermonie Lodge, Fred Andrews, and Sierra McCoy.

*Sorry for a short chapter but next chapter is going to start with episode 4. I did mess up a bit about the timing. Sorry for that. I will try and update tomorrow.*

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