Dark Mirror Poems #9

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Name: Hope Reflection

Poem: You are why I smiled for no reason or situation or circumstances.

More than a dream and devotion a lot of hope in my guts.

It is not impossible or fallacy only truth and reality with many anxieties.

It is expected zero words just by looking at you my goal is already reached.

You are everything and that is how it was written with your existence my heart feels on the rise.

Meaning: Your mere presence brings a smile to my face, without any reason or explanation. You are more than just a dream or a source of devotion, you are the embodiment of hope and possibility. Every time I see you, my heart swells with emotions and anxieties. Your existence alone fulfills me in ways that words cannot describe. You are everything to me, as if it was fate written in the stars. Simply being near you elevates my heart to new heights.

Experience: Your mere presence makes me smile without reason or cause.More than just a dream, you are my devotion and the very hope that fuels my being.It may seem impossible or unreal, but it is the truth and my reality filled with anxiousness.With just one look at you, I have achieved my goal without uttering a single word.You are my everything, for it was written in the stars that your existence would make my heart soar.

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