Dark Mirror Poems #10

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Name: Passionate Reflection

Poem: When I see your eyes I see our future.

When I hear your voice I imagine your sweet melody contemplating their cries.

When I smell you, I am moved by the various fragrances of splendid magnitude that will accommodate us every day.

When I touch you I find myself and I tell myself how many anxieties I have that instead of two we become one.

Meaning: Your eyes are a window to our future.Your voice is a symphony that fills my mind with thoughts of our love.Your scent wraps me in the promise of a beautiful life together.When I touch you, I feel complete and long for us to merge into one.

Experience: Your eyes hold the promise of our future.Your voice sings a beautiful melody, carrying the weight of our dreams and sorrows.The scents of your being envelop me in a world of boundless possibilities.When I am near you, I feel whole. And I yearn for a merging of our souls into one unified existence.

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