Dark Mirror Poems #22

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Name: Uncertain Mirror

Poem: You will not understand situations at the moment, but when time passes you will know that it had to be.

You will spend a lot of time realizing it, but when you do you won't change how it is.

Independently in life everything has a remedy while we live.

Meaning: In the present, everything may seem confusing and unexplainable, but in time, it will all make sense. You will reflect on these moments for a while, but ultimately you won't be able to alter what has already happened. However, in life, there is always a solution for every problem that we encounter.

Experience: In the present, you may struggle to comprehend certain circumstances. However, with the passage of time, you will understand that things had to unfold in a certain way. It may take a while for this realization to come, but once it does, you will accept that some things are beyond our control. In life, there is always a solution, even if it may seem elusive at first.

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