Dark Mirror Poems #18

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Name: Future Mirror

Poem: Make a change.

Planting seeds of peace, equality and prosperity.

Education equals the rich and equals the poor.

Make a better world for future generations; they are the fruits of our souls.

Nature equals  we. 

You equals me.

We all are unique and equal, everyone working together as one is the necessary ingredient we need. 

Creating results.

Repeat the formula.

Meaning: It's time for a transformation. Sowing the seeds of peaceful coexistence, equality and abundance. Education is a right for both the wealthy and the underprivileged. Building a brighter future for the next generations; they are the legacy of our existence. Nature unites us all. You are me and I am you. Each individual is special and deserves equal treatment. Together as a united front we can achieve greatness. Taking action to bring about change. Continuously applying this principle.

Experience: It's time for a change. Breeding seeds of harmony, fairness and success. Education is for everyone, regardless of wealth or status. Build a brighter future for the next generation; they are the legacy of our spirits. Nature connects us all as humanity. You and I are one. We are all distinct but equal, united in collaboration as the essential element for progress. Achieving outcomes by continuously applying this formula.

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