Chapter four

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"Goku will you train me? " I stared at him smiling as confident as I can be even tho I probably look like an idiot but It doesn't matter to be me anyway what does matter to me to is to get stronger just like goku has over the past year or I heard.

"Well since your a saiyan like me then yes I would train you but I'm not going to do it alone " he laughed while saying that, Again being confused as I am  I ask him what the hell does he means, Goku just tells me that two people are going to train me, is it a another saiyan? I heard about Vegeta and Nappa Then they hybrids of a saiyan and human Goku two sons I think dende told me they name goten and Gohan Vegeta also had one and I think His name is Trunks.

Man this is getting a little bit too complicated for me but I know I could handle it, I'm a saiyan after all. " so Goku? When does this guy going to be here? " I asked while looking at him, Man is he too damm tall or am I to damm short? While I was mumbling some stuff Goku finally spoken up. " haha no worried y/n he will be here any second" I just mumble "okay" and went to sit there, I feel so complicated and just plain confused I don't even know if I want to become a fighter do I?

Goku called out to me while I was just in my thoughts, I looked up to see a green man with purple gi with a white thing over his head He was handsome, I got a little bit in embarrassment but shake it off and just walked to goku. " so goku? This is the guy? he helping you train me? " he smiled and nodded at me, I looked at the green man, he not a saiyan that I know but he not an human either? What is he anyway? The green man just kept starring at me with some serious looks. I whisper to myself "well this is not awkward at all" Goku finally spoken up and said " y/n this is piccolo he train my son when he was only four" What!! When he was four?! That's crazy but also amazing..

" Goku what you brought me up here for? " Piccolo spoke up, He had a deeper voice then goku's , I believe it's cool I don't even know what I'm saying, Gosh cut it out y/n you embarrassing yourself! Goku looked at piccolo and smiled at him "well piccolo you going to help me train y/n she is a saiyan too." Piccolo eye widen and low grasp can be hear from him, Then he stare at me again Oh great here we goes again, Piccolo went to stare back at Goku just to say something " you wanna my help to train a saiyan? Goku you couldn't ask Vegeta? He is a saiyan!" Piccolo kinda raising his voice on Goku, I kinda got annoyed with his tone but I just let it go because I don't want get into it.

Goku just snicker a little bit, he just smiled at Piccolo He seem like 
a pure person I have seen for a while but then again he not human is he? I just smile to myself. " come on Piccolo please? It will be fun!" Goku whined like a little kid Piccolo just sigh at Goku finally giving in I just stare at them waiting to be train..
" fine Goku i do it"

Well this chapter is done:) tho y/n finally meet Piccolo!!!! Yayayay! lol. Can y/n handle the training? Well who knows anyway I hope you guys like this chapter. I try my hardest and I just made a new story called " I missed you ( bughead)" that's right a riverdale book!!! Anyways go read that cuz why not. I hope you guys enjoy
Peace ✌️

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