Chapter 5: Devils Incoming!

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As the portal opened back up...Izuku had his hands out and waited for a couple of minutes...
Almost a whole group fell out of the portal onto poor Izuku...
Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Velvet, Esdeath, Akame, Leone and Glynda stared wide eyed...

Izuku: Ow... Why does this happen to me!? So who are you guys?

The leader supposedly stood up and stuck a hand out-
Rias: I'm Rias Gremory and this is my Peerage well what's left of it..
Rias has red blood haired and blue eyes.

Rias: Introduce yourselfs girls!
Akeno: My Name Is Akeno Himejima.
She has purple violet hair and deep purple eyes which Izuku somehow sees her as Midnight-sensei for some reason.

Koneko: My name is Shirone Koneko. Just call me Koneko.
She had snow white hair with wild yellow eyes.

Kuroka: I'm the big sister of Koneko..My name is Kuroka nya~!
She has raven colored hair and as well as the same color of her little sister's.

Asia: M-my name is Asia Argento!
She had blonde hair and bright green eyes.

Irina: Well My name's Irina!
She has wild orange hair and bizzare purple eyes.

Xenovia: Well My name's Xenovia..
She had wild blue hair and a sreak of green hair. Her eyes are dirty yellow.

Rias: And who are you may I ask...cutie...
Akeno and the rest looked at her with a tang of jealousy with what she said.
Izuku had not payed attention to what she said had answered right away-
Izuku: My name is Izuku Midoriya and these are my friends!
He points to the people sitting beside him..
Akeno: Ara~Ara~...It seems he has a lot of them as well...
Asia: So Izuku-senpai what do you know about this place?
Izuku: Well Asia-chan this world is called Remnant and is filled with beings that have powers. For me I have super strength and lightning.
Akeno seemed to be loooking at Izuku with lust in her eyes.. Blake glares at her..
Koneko: Well we are what people called Devils..
Izuku: Are you nice devils?
Kuroka: We are nice nya~
Xenovia: Well hate to break your conversation but what are we gonna do now?
Irina: I was just thinking the same thing...
Akame had been eating food and glaring at the devils for a long time..
Izuku: Well we can go the headmaster and talk with him so let's go!
Izuku had led them to Ozpin which gladly accepted them and put them right next to Izuku's Dorm.

Izuku: Well now we can keep each other in contact now!
Rias: Thanks Izu~Kun.
Akeno: Yes Thanks many... Izu~Kitty.
Izuku had heard what Akeno said and had a tint of pink on his cheeks but tiltled his head a bit..
Izuku: Wait Kitty? Do I have Cat ears now or... Something?

Ophis: Did they really forget me? Ah jeez...
She is tad short but with black hair and black eyes. She is mostly stoic and blunt about everything.

 She is mostly stoic and blunt about everything

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She teleported out of sight...

Back with Izuku~
Izuku had a feeling someone was about to fall on him so he spread his hands and waited...
Rias and her peerage had seen Izuku with his arms open ready to catch something...
Ophis had been caught in Izuku's arms...
Rias: Ophis?
Ophis had snuggled into Izuku's embrace...
Ophis: I found my new husband and mate... He is strong I can tell you that...
She said bluntly.

Glynda who had been working all day had snapped a bar of metal in half...
'Why do I feel sexually challenged?'
Akame had a shiver down her spine so did the rest of the girls...but with Nora she had spilt a wall in two....She wasn't happy with what she is feeling and rushed towards her Izuku radar had been pinging...Don't ask how...
So with that in mind Rias had a smile that didn't seem to falter but on the inside...
'I'm not gonna let some dragon god beat me!'

Izuku had let Ophis go and is now trying to understand what she said...
Izuku: Eh? Ehhhhhhhhhh!?
Ophis had kissed Izuku on the lips...
His first kiss was with a dragon god loli...
Didn't think that was going to happen to him...
The girls heart's had shattered a bit until a storm had hit with full force full of rage and sadness...

Izuku just ran away taking Eri with him...
'Why did Ophis kiss me? Does she like me!? Nah... It was probably for catching her right?'

He just shook his head and went back to the dorm and slept.

We now see the harem of girls speaking to Ophis and Rias and her peerage...
Pyrrha: You know we can all share him right?

They all looked at each other and smiled.
All except Pyrrha: Sure! But I will steal his v-card first!
They all looked at each other with a glare...
Akeno:Ara~Ara~ It seems it might get a little feisty around here?
Akame: Yes indeed..
Leone: Sounds about right..
Nora: Nora will take his V-card and become his queen and he will be my king!

You know I kinda like this energy I have right now.
I don't own any pictures! Or the characters! The story is mine!
See ya next chapter!

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