Chapter 36

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When Lily found the two of them, Clara had her cheek still pressed against Sirius' shoulder. Her mind was wandering in every direction at once, from the night she ran away, her father's face as her spell blasted through the road, Aaron, Sirius, Belial, her mother, Sirius-

Sirius' arms around her was a steadying weight and kept her mind close enough to for her to reach. His presence, like always, was comforting. He let her quiet down, her unsaid confession still lingering in the space between them, and waited for her to gather her thoughts again. With warm realisation, Clara appreciated how he never rushed her. It was her choice to speak, but in the meantime, he would be the support that kept her from slipping away too far.

All I want you to know is that I'm here for you-

For now, that would be enough to quell the turbulent waters in her mind.

Clara hadn't noticed when Lily arrived until Sirius was talking to her.

"We'll be down in just a sec," He was saying, voice softened as if he was trying not to startle her.

With a blink, Clara stirred, and leaned back. Her cheek was cold without the heat of Sirius' body. She blinked a few more times, trying to orient herself. Sirius watched her, before turning back to Lily.

"I left out a cup of coffee," Lily explained from behind Clara. "Just make sure you're down there before it gets cold, alright?"

Clara cleared her throat, and managed to throw a smile over her shoulder. "Thank you, Lily,"

Lily smiled, bright as the sun, and closed the door.

"Well, I suppose we should head down," Clara sighed, rubbing her cheek. "I'm not used to sleeping in this late... it's made me sluggish,"

"Ten AM is hardly sleeping in, Clara," Sirius said, raising an eyebrow. "Besides, you deserve a break,"

She chose not to reply to that comment. "Come on, we better head on down,"


By the time the two of them ambled into the kitchen, Aaron was finishing up washing the dishes. When Clara entered the room, the two siblings made eye contact, before pointedly looking away. Sirius felt a prick of curiosity at the interaction.

Clara made a beeline for the mug settled on the counter, passing around Aaron on her way. Sirius headed in the opposite direction, towards James who was lounging lazily on the couch. With a childish grin, Sirius plopped down right on top of his legs. There was a yelp, and the legs underneath him kicked to dislodge him.

"You absolute menace," James groaned, face twisted in slightly exaggerated pain. "You heathen. Barbarian. Wanker-"

"Oh relax," Sirius snorted, shifting his body so James could pull his legs back. He immediately rubbed the spot where Sirius' elbow had made contact. "I barely even touched you,"

James blubbered indignantly. "I- wha-... I heard a pop!"

They bantered back and forth aimlessly in hushed tones. Sirius pushed on one of James' legs. James kicked Sirius' arm.

"Can you two just act like adults for two seconds? Please?" Remus groaned as he entered the little living room area. Shadows hugged the skin under his eyes, and he looked paler than usual.

Sirius and James immediately settled, and Sirius felt sheepish despite himself. "Sorry, Moony,"

"What took you so long to get down anyways?" he asked grouchily. "You went up to call Clara and it's like you decided not to come back,"

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