Chapter Three

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I woke up in the dark, the back of my head throbbing from where I was hit. I couldn't remember much of what happened, just my zombie friends and the power going out. And that girl. When I find her, she's gonna wish she never met me.

"Oh! Look who's finally awake!" Light filled up the room I was in. It wasn't that bright, but after being in total darkness, I had to squint just to see.

Once I stopped seeing spots in my eyes, I immediately realized I wasn't in my house anymore. I was in what looked like some kind of cavern, the earthen walls surrounding me on all sides except in front of me, where the exit was. Flame-lit torches hung from the walls at intervals around the space, casting an eerie glow over the place.

Standing right in front of me was the witch herself, Isabella. She stood over me, her hands on her hips and a satanical smile on her face. Her golden eyes sparkled with amusement and malice as she looked at me. "I almost thought that red moron killed you back there. Ah well."

I scrambled up to my feet. My cape got tangled up in my legs as I got up, but I didn't care. I got close to Isabella, almost to where our noses were touching. "You have ten seconds to tell me who you really are and what you did to my friends."

Isabella didn't back off when I got closer. Her smile just widened. "Me? I did nothing at all! Unless, putting a spell on your friends to make them obey my every whim counts as something. Does it?"

She may have been smiling, but I wasn't. "Don't play with me, witch. Where are my friends?"

"See, now why did you ask who I was if you already knew?"

I was confused at what she had said at first, but then my eyes widened. "Y-you mean you're actually a witch?!"

Isabella rolled her eyes. "Wow, you're dumber than you look. You'll find out what happened to your friends pretty soon, and just to let you know, it's not gonna be pretty." She finally turned away from me and walked towards the exit, her tail brushing my face again.

"Wait! What do you mean? What did you-"

"Sorry! I can't talk now! I got places to go, and people to see." She kept walking, eventually disappearing in a puff of black smoke.

I stood there stunned before walking toward the exit. If I was gonna get answers, I'd have to get out of this cave first.

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