Chapter Five

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I was officially confused. Tails and Knuckles did what they did as if they were pretending to be what they dressed up as. If they were trying to scare me, it worked, but it was like they honestly and truly didn't even know who I was, nor who they were.

I sat on a rotted tree stump, hoping my head would stop spinning soon from all these confusing thoughts. As I sat there, I heard something zoom over my head, making even more of a breeze than there already was. My head snapped up as I looked around, but I didn't see anything. "Hello? Is anybody there?"

No response. Just the sound of something else zooming over me. "Come on out! I know you're there!"

"Gladly." I heard something else zoom by, but instead of going over, it dipped down to where I was and grabbed me around the waist, lifting me up high into the air. My first instinct was that it was Isabella, so I started squirming and flailing my arms and legs, hoping they'd let me go.

"Sonic, quit squirming! You're gonna kill yourself!"

I stopped when I heard her voice. It wasn't Isabella. It was too sweet sounding. It kinda sounded like...

"...Amy?!" I looked up, and sure enough, there she was, one arm wrapped around me, the other holding onto the broom we were on.

Wait. Broom?! I looked down, and my heart almost leaped out of my throat when I saw how high we are. The trees in the forest below were pretty big, but the broomstick had carried the two of us far up above the trees. I could practically touch the moon, we were so high.

I let out a little squeak and scrambled up onto the broom, holding on tight with both hands. I had no intentions of becoming a blue pancake tonight.

I heard a soft giggle behind me and turned around, seeing Amy covering her mouth, trying not to laugh. "What's so funny?" I asked.

She uncovered her mouth to speak, though she still had a wide smile on her face. "Oh nothing..."

"How are we up here?"

Amy gave me a weird look. "What do you mean? I've always been able to fly with a broomstick."

It was my turn to give her a weird look. "No you haven't. The only thing you could do was summon your hammer."


"Y'know, big, red and yellow, you hit me over the head with it like, all the time?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

I just stared at her. How did she not remember her hammer? I had thought something screwy was going on. This just confirmed it.

"Okay...can you let me down? I'd like to be on solid ground, if you don't mind," I said.

"Why go down there, when you can stay up here with me," she said, leaning in a little closer to me.

I leaned back, but not too far so I wouldn't fall off the broom. "Uh, no thanks. I'm good. Maybe next time."

"But I get lonely, Sonikku. You're just gonna leave me all alone?" Her jade eyes locked with my emerald.

I opened my mouth to respond, but all that came out was a stuttered, "Uh..." Was it a good idea to leave her? She did say she was lonely...maybe I could stay for just a little bit...

I shook my head, breaking my gaze from her eyes and snapping out of the daze. "You''re trying to trick me."

A look of hurt etched itself across her face. "No I'm not."

"Yes, you are. Now let me down!"

Amy stared at me for a moment before and evil smirk appeared on her face. "Whatever you say, Sonikku." The broomstick started flying again, only faster than before. I tried to hold on to it, but my fingers slipped, and I fell off, falling toward the dead forest below.

I flailed my arms, trying to slow my fall, but it only seemed to speed it up as I fell through the trees and face planted in the bare ground. I felt like my entire skeleton shattered, but it didn't hurt to badly since that wasn't my first time falling like that.

I heard Amy coming again, so I quickly got up and dashed through the trees. My cape flapped behind me and got caught on bushes as I ran, but I didn't let it stop me.


Great. I'm being chased by a lovesick witch. This night couldn't get any worse.

Of course, it had to. I was running for about a minute when my eyes widened and I skidded to a halt just before I ran off the edge of the ravine.

"It's just you and me now, Sonikku." I heard Amy land and approach me from behind, but I didn't dare turn around.

"What do you even want from me?" I asked.

"You know exactly what I want." I felt her grab my hand and turn me around so I was facing her. "All I want is you."

I just rolled my eyes. "Amy, we've been through this before. I'm not going out with you."

Her face drooped into a pout, but then it perked back up into a smirk. "Alright...but you have to do one thing for me."


"You have to kiss me."

I just stared at her. Then a wide grin spread on my face and I burst into laughter. "Oh gosh, that is funny, but it sounded like you said you wanted a kiss!"

Amy crossed her arms over her chest. "I did."

I stopped laughing and sweatbeaded. "Oh...not gonna happen."

"Oh really?" Amy took a step towards me, and I took one back. Unfortunately, that left me halfway on the cliff, the other half hanging helplessly over the ravine. "It would be such a shame to see you die in such a horrible way just because you were stubborn."

I looked back behind me over the edge. I didn't want to kiss this witch, but I sure didn't want to die. I sighed before turning back to Amy. "Fine..." I cupped her chin to lift her head up a little, and slowly brought my lips to hers. They tasted strangely of strawberries.

I felt her tense up a little under my touch before relaxing. I wasn't enjoying this as much as she was, it was only a few seconds before I broke apart.

I looked down at Amy to see her reaction. She had a goofy little smile on her face, and she was twirling the edge of her skirt in her fingers like a little school girl. "He kissed me...he really kissed me...!" She squealed before running back to where she left her broomstick. "This is the best night of my life!" She mounted and flew off into the night sky faster than I could run.

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