Chapter Eight

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"Hurry, Mr. Sonic, hurry!" The tiny fairy rabbit zipped through the tree trunks, her pink pixie dust the only thing lighting my path and keeping me from slamming into a tree at a hundred miles an hour.

"Cream, I can't go any faster without either losing you or face planting into a tree!" I yelled ahead to her. "Aren't we almost there?"

"Just about!" Cream's little wings beat faster as she flew faster, me keeping pace behind her. We eventually made it to our destination, what looked like the ruins of an old castle or something. The only thing left standing was a stone arch and a few of the castle's walls, though they were no taller than me. The rest of the walls were scattered here and there as piles of rubble.

"What is this place?" I asked as I looked around.

Cream shrugged. "I'm not sure. Isabella was saying something about some long-ago fallen castle. She never said a name though."

I nudged a pile rubble with my shoe. "I wonder why she sent one of our friends here."

"I don't know..." We looked around the ruins for a bit, trying to find any sign of our friends. I saw Cream fly off somewhere out of the corner of my eye. I didn't think much of it and kept searching around until I heard a muffled scream from deep within the ruins.

"Cream?" I ran through the ruins to the center, stopping when I saw who was there. Standing right in the middle of what looked like what was left of a throne room, was Silver, his visor lowered over his face. In one hand, his sword was unsheathed, the point aimed at my chest. His other hand was wrapped around tiny Cream, who was trying without much luck to get out of the metal gauntlet.

"Freeze, squire!" Silver shouted. "One more step and the fairy is a goner!"

I chanced a step, and Silver's grip tightened around Cream, making her squeak. "Look, I don't want to cause any trouble, Silver."

His tilted his head, and I could tell his golden eyes were full of confusion. "Who is this 'Silver' you speak of? I am Sir Galahad, son of Lancelot, knight of the Round Table. State your name and purpose, squire."

I crossed my arms and glared at him. "First off, I'm not a squire. Second, don't you recognize me? I'm Sonic, remember?"

Galahad was silent for a moment. "I do not know of you."

'Great, another one of these,' I thought. "Sure you know me! You went back in time just to try and kill me, remember?"

"Nay. I've told you, squire. I don't know you."

I sighed. "Fine, you don't know me. Now that this confusion is not at all cleared up, could you let go of my friend? We're kind of in a hurry."

"Nay! Mistress Isabella is wanting this pixie in her presence for treason against the kingdom! I will not disobey the mistress's orders!"

"Well, your mistress is a psychopathic witch that needs to go six feet under. I think it's best that you disobey her."

Galahad gasped under the visor. "Treason!" He approached me and pressed the tip of his sword into my chest, making it sting a little but not breaking the skin...yet. "You shall be killed immediately for speaking against thy ruler!"

I just rolled my eyes. "I'd like to see you try."

I'm pretty sure he smirked under the visor. "Very well." He let go of the sword, and instead of it clattering to the ground, it floated in the air, surrounded by a bluish-green glow. The point was still pressed up against my chest. "You are destined to die, young squire. Have you any last words?"

I glanced over at Cream as he spoke. She had managed to get one of her arms out, and was making something out of her fairy dust. At first all I saw were two blobs, one long and thin, the other roundish, about the size of my hand. As I watched them form, I realized that the shapes were a bronze gauntlet and a sword about three feet long. The blade was a shiny silver, and the hilt was of the same material with my name engraved into it.

"Yeah...I've got a few. I hope you know how to sword-fight."

Galahad tilted his head in confusion again, his concentration breaking slightly and the sword tip moving away from my chest. That gave me an opening to deliver a roundhouse kick to Galahad's chest. It didn't affect him too much, but he was stunned for a second, and his grip on Cream loosened. She was able to fly out of his hand, the sword and gauntlet in tow.

"Mr. Sonic, here!" The gear came towards me, and I grabbed them from the air and slipped the gauntlet on over my hand just as Galahad came back to his senses and brought the sword back up to me. "Thou shant play games with the mistress's best knight. You are more destined to die than before."

I smirked and raised my new sword, holding it with both hands. "Try me."

I could imagine the fire in Galahad's eyes as he sent his sword toward me. I easily blocked it with me own, though a second later it would have run right through my quills. I pushed it back and ran at the knight, ready to slash through his side. Of course, his stupid telekinesis brought the sword to his hands, and he blocked me before I even got close. We stood there, our faces close, our swords together, blocking the other from making a move.

"You are a worthy opponent, blue hedgehog," Galahad said.

"Thanks. This isn't my first sword fight. I think I might've fought your dad once. If I can cream his sorry butt, then I'm sure you'll be a piece of cake." I brought my sword over my head, breaking our stance and throwing us into an intense fight.

Sparks flew as metal clashed with metal, and at first it didn't seem like there was a clear winner. But that all ended when I got Galahad's hands in a place where he couldn't make a move and hand no choice but to drop his sword. I slammed the hilt of mine into his helmet, and he crumpled to the ground, dazed and panting for breath.

"Well are a squire no more if you can beat a son of a knight of the Round may as well finish me off." He lifted up his visor and closed his eyes, awaiting his doom.

I shook my head. "I'm not gonna finish you off. I can't kill one of my friends."

Galahad opened his eyes and looked at me. "We are not friends."

"Would someone who isn't your friend spare your life?"

He went silent.

I kneeled down in front of him. "Take my advice. Stay away from Isabella. You'd be better off on my side." I stood up and walked towards the edge of the ruins.

"Wait! Where are you going?" He called after me.

I looked back at him. "I still have things to do. I've gotta find the rest of our friends. For now, you stay here and try not to get possessed by weird voodoo stuff."

"Alright...I wish thou luck on the quest."

I gave him a thumbs-up before taking off through the forest with Cream.

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