Chapter Six

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I really wish I had some mouthwash. That was the worst thing that's ever happened to me in my life. And wasn't too bad. Weird...

I walked along the edge of the ravine, kicking a rock around as I walked and looked for the rest of my friends. Speaking of them...what had happened to Tails, Knuckles, and Amy? He hadn't seen any of them since their I hoped Isabella hadn't done anything bad to them...

A twig snapped a few feet behind me. I stopped and turned to look back, but didn't see anything or anyone. I assumed it was just a squirrel or something and kept walking. After a few minutes of silence, I heard a bush rustle next to me. I turned toward the bush, eyes narrowed. "I know you're there. Don't be afraid. I won't hurt ya."

I heard a deep, menacing chuckle come from the shrub. "I am not afraid."

"Then come out."

"Then you'll be afraid."

I scoffed. "No I won't."

The bush rustled again, and a dark familiar black figure with red highlights and golden rings on his wrists and ankles stepped out into my sight.


He cocked an eyebrow. " do you know my name?"

I gave him a weird look. "What are you talking about? We've known each other for years, remember? You got me arrested when we first met? I call you Shads all the time even though you hate it?"

Shadow shook his head. "My mind is drawing a blank. I don't know what you're talking about. All I know is that you're a blue hedgehog that just so happens to be my midnight snack."

My eyes widened. "Wait, what?!"

Shadow smirked, showing off his long fangs from the party. As I looked at them though, I noticed they looked kinda funny. They looked...real.

"Y-you're...a r-real vampire?!"

Shadow said nothing. He just disappeared into the night. Not wanting to stick around, I went with my first instinct: run. I dashed away from the edge of the ravine and into the forest, zig-zagging through the trees, hoping he wouldn't find me.

I ran for about five minutes before stopping. I was in a thick cluster of trees, so thick I couldn't see the moon anymore. Maybe Shadow wouldn't find me here...

That hope was gone when I felt something slam into my chest and pin me to a nearby tree. The air was knocked out of my lungs, and my eyes closed for a moment when I started feeling light-headed.

"You thought you could get away from me, didn't you?"

I opened my eyes again, my emeralds meeting Shadow's glowing rubies.

I smirked- well, as much as I could with pretty much no air in my lungs and a light head. "'Course I did. If I didn't, I would've just stood there and said 'Have at me.'"

"Well, if you insist." Shadow neared my neck, fangs bared.

What I did next was probably the stupidest thing I've ever done. He didn't have my arms pinned down, so with one, I pressed it against his face, stopping him and covering his mouth. With the other, I did an uppercut to his jaw, knocking him back enough to get free. Shadow glared at me and hissed, his eyes glowing brighter. My eyes widened, and I took off through the trees.

I heard Shadow chaos control next to me and keep pace. He threw a few punches at me, but I dodged them all and kept going. Eventually, he figured out that his hit and run plan wasn't working, so he tackled me to the side. We tumbled through the underbrush and down a small hill nearby, stopping in a shallow valley below. Shadow stopped on top of me, hovering over me with my arms pinned down and hunger lingering in his read eyes.

"Finally...I feast!" Shadow leaned in towards my neck. I shut my eyes tight, bracing myself for my demise. I felt his hot breath on my neck as he opened his mouth wide and bit down. I bit my tongue, almost biting it in half, in an attempt to keep myself from screaming, though all that came out was a wimpy little squeak.

I thought this pain would last an eternity, but it was only a second later before Shadow yelled in pain yanked his fangs out of my neck, blood dripping from his lips and steam pouring from his mouth. "Your rancid...!" he gasped. "What have you been eating?"

"Um...I had chili dogs for breakfast, chili dogs for lunch, chili dogs with extra cheese and onions-"

"Onions?! That's just as bad as garlic!" Shadow spat, splattering my blood onto the dead grass in the process. He stood up and glared at me, who was still on the ground, my hand holding my cape up to my bleeding neck. "You're lucky I spared your life tonight," he sneered before disappearing into the shadows.

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