Chapter Seven

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I'll admit, Isabella was right. Every encounter with my friends was certainly not pretty, mainly because they consisted them wanting me either dead or facing my worst nightmare. Why they were doing this, I have no clue, but I'm gonna figure it out. Hopefully before I become somebody's dinner. I've probably been on this little "adventure" for hours, wandering through this endless forest who-knows-where, and I'm still not any closer to finding these answers.

I was pretty tired from all the walking around, so I stopped under a pretty big tree with a few branches with leaves still on them. I collapsed into the nest of dead leaves beneath it and leaned against the trunk, ready to take a good nap.

"Mr. Sonic?"

I opened my eyes and looked around me, but didn't see anybody.

"Mr. Sonic, up here!" I looked up, seeing a sparkling little speck of something. It flew down to my eye level, and I was able to see a tiny cream-colored bunny in a glittering dress with sparkling pink wings. She was no bigger than my finger.

I stared at the little fairy in front of me. I blinked just to make sure I was seeing right. "...Cream?"

"Yep!" She landed on my nose.

"You're not gonna attack me like the others did, are you?" I asked.

Cream just stared at me. "Why would I attack you? I would never hurt my friends."

I sighed with relief. "Thank goodness."

"But why would I attack you? What did the others do to you?"

"Well, Tails was like Dr. Frankenstein, and he was trying to feed me to his monster, which was really Knuckles. Amy was this love crazy witch that wanted to go out with me...though now that I think of it, that's hardly different than what she normally does. And Shadow was a vampire that was trying to drink my blood. It was like all of them were being what they dressed up as for Halloween. Even you."

Cream nodded once I finished talking. "That is strange..."

" still seem normal, besides being way smaller and a fairy. Do you know what happened?"

Cream was silent before answering. "Well...after that strange girl came to the party, everything's a blur, but I do remember her transporting everyone but you to some weird place and casting a spell on us all, making us our costumes. She didn't think I'd be very useful, so she kept me locked up while she sent everyone else after you. I was able to escape, and since then I've been looking for you."

", Isabella wants revenge on me for who-knows-what, and she sends my friends to do it? To me, it seems like something's missing, but for now this is good enough for me." I stood up from the ground, Cream still perched on my nose. "I can worry about that crazy witch later. I gotta figure out what happened to my friends."

"And I can help!" Cream chirped, flying off my nose.

I gave her a weird look. "But how? No offense, but I don't think a tiny fairy can take on a super powerful witch."

"I don't have to! I know where our friends are! I can lead you to where they are, and we can find them faster and find out what happened to them."

I smiled and gave her a thumbs up. "Sounds like a plan. Let's go!" I ran through the trees, Cream flying right behind me.


Hi! I hope everybody's liking the book so far. I tried to think of something somewhat bad or mean for Cream to do, but it was all too cute, so for now, consider her Sonic's fairy godmother/guardian angel figure. Sorry if you wanted her to be mean. She's just too darn cute to do anything. Anyway, see ya next chapter and hope you like this!

Calling All The Monsters (Sonic Halloween Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora