Chapter Eleven

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I was getting exhausted after all this fighting, and my friends beating me to a pulp was not helping. The main one beating me up was Rouge though. She hadn't fought me yet that night, so she was having a ball blasting spells at me and almost blowing my head off.

I couldn't be wasting my time with them. If I took them down, they'd all just get back up and fight me again. I wanted this to stop for good, and the only way to go that was to take down Eggman and Isabella. They had disappeared when the battle started, so I had to find a way to get away from my possessed friends and find the two ringleaders.

I ducked as Silver swiped his sword over my head, then knocked his sword out of his hand with my own. "Silver, snap out of it! I thought we were friends!"

"Thou isn't thy friend!" He snapped. "You lied to me! Mistress Isabella opened my eyes to the truth!"

"'Mistress' Isabella is the liar! You have to listen to me!"

"Never!" He picked his sword back up and swiped at me again, but I knocked it out of his hand again and dashed toward the door. I jumped over a fireball thrown by Blaze and ducked under Shadow's fanged mouth, sliding on my back and out the door. Luckily it wasn't the door I had sliced through, so I quickly got up and slammed it shut, jamming the lock with my sword. I heard banging on the other side, and luckily the door held, but soon fist marks were made in the metal, so I knew it wouldn't hold for long.

"What are we going to do, Mr. Sonic?" Cream's squeaky voice spoke from next to me.

"We hope this door holds until we find Egghead and Isabella, then we kick their sorry butts." I ran down the hallway behind me towards the center of the base, where waiting for me once again was a metal door with the Eggman logo painted on it.

I pushed it, and it swung open slowly with a loud groan. I cautiously walked inside, only for the door to slam shut behind me. It was pitch black inside, but Cream's pinkish glow gave off a little bit of light.

Long tables went around the exterior of the room, all of them covered with machines and tools and stuff like that. The middle of the room was empty and covered with a layer of dust as if nobody had been in here. There were footprints on the floor, though, leading out of Cream's light.

My ear flicked as something moved in the shadows, and I ducked just in time before a blast of green nearly blew my head off.

"You're a very resourceful hedgehog, Sonic." Isabella stepped out of the shadows and walked towards me. "Unfortunately, that's something Dr. Robotnik doesn't like."

"Well, Eggman doesn't like a lot of things about me," I said. "We'll just add that to the list."

Isabella smirked. "Joke all you want, but this may be your last."

"Uh huh." I ran at Isabella, but she disappeared in a puff of smoke, appearing behind me and firing a spell at my back. It stung like a thousand wasps stabbing me, and I fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

"Oh how the mighty have fallen," Isabella cooed as she stood over me. "I told you you've said your last joke."

I grunted as I pushed myself up to my feet. "We'll see about that." What happened next was a blur. I ran towards Isabella. I rolled up into a ball and crashed into her stomach. When I got out of the roll and looked back at the witch, I saw the remains of a robot with Isabella's face.

Then the world faded to black all around me.

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