Chapter Ten

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We stood outside the tall doors of the base, basking in its evil glory. The walls and door were made of reinforced steel, made to keep everyone they wanted in and the ones they didn't out. Security lights shined across the grounds of the base, sweeping the area for intruders. Cream and I managed to get passed the lights and up to the front door. Now all we had to do was get inside this base.

I still had the sword Cream made me, so I raised it to the door and sliced and X through it, surprisingly cutting it down as if it were butter instead of steel.

I walked through the opening and into the base. Strangely enough, the design inside looked a lot like Eggman's base. I thought it was just a coincidence, until we got to a hallway that was crawling with badniks. I hid around the corner, looking at them all before looking up at Cream.

"When you told me about Isabella's home base, I had a feeling something was missing. Now that I see this, I'm certain of that. Is there anything else you know that you didn't tell me?" I asked quietly so as not to get the badniks' attention.

"Well..." Cream thought for a moment. "Isabella always had me by her side when she had held me captive, but at certain times, maybe once or twice all together, she would go off and talk to somebody on her own. Maybe the person she gets her orders from."

"There's ANOTHER person?!" I whisper-yelled. "Who is it?"

"HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I heard a familiar laugh echo throughout the base.

I growled under my breath. "Eggman..."

"That's right, Sonic! You never guessed I was behind it all," he said over the loudspeakers. "And now that you're in my base, you'll never go back out alive!"

"We'll see about that." I ran around the corner into the hallway of badniks, shredding any that got in my way with my sword as I ran through. At the end of the hallway was a large metal door, the Eggman logo painted in red in the middle.

"This is it..." I sighed and looked at Cream. "Ready?"

"Ready...!" She fluttered nervously around my head.

I raised my sword and sliced through the metal, the door crumpling to a pile of shrapnel. I stepped over it and into the room, only to stop with wide eyes when I saw what was on the other side.

Eggman himself was front and center, hovering over the scene in his pod. Isabella stood on the floor below him, glaring at me with a triumphant smirk on her face. The worst part of it all, all around the two villains were none other than all my missing friends. Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, and Blaze stood on either side of Isabella. Amy flew in the air on her broom on one side of Eggman's craft, and on the  other side was the one friend I had almost forgotten about: Rouge. She was also flying on a broomstick of her own. Everybody was staring at me as I walked in, and I stared right back, at first with surprise, then soon anger.

"I should've known you were behind all of this, Eggman," I sneered.

"But you didn't, did you?" He teased. "I had you played for the idiot you are, and now that idiocy will bring about your demise."

"Egghead, you say that about every plan you've ever had. What makes you think that this one will work?" I asked.

"Because we all know you won't fight your friends."

I raised my sword up to Eggman. "I already did once. I can do it again."

"We'll see." He smirked as everybody got in a fighting position, including me.

"Egg Monsters...ATTACK!"

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