another one, gone

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Did I really mean anything to you?
Was I just someone that you knew would be your friend because your other ones left?
These questions surround my brain constantly.

I just find it funny that you haven't really given a shit about me or the rest of us for a couple months but then you magically reappear for 5 seconds then leave again. I hate it.

I've had to convince myself for ages that it's not your fault it's theirs but now, for a fact, I know it's yours. If you ever truly cared for any of us you would have just stayed, but you didn't.

But I've learned something from situations like this, so thank you. I've learnt that no matter how close you are to someone they will always leave. I'm not even the only one that's learnt this lesson, it's all 7 of us.

Honestly, everything we've done together you've just repeated with them and the fact that you complain or feel left out when the rest of us go out makes me angry.

At this rate I don't give a shit about anything, just don't run back to us if it happens again. This doesn't just come from me, it comes from us.

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