Chapter 2

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As I walk out of baggage claim, I look over and see a brown haired woman about 40, stood with two teenage boys, holding onto a large sign that says "Emma Hart". 

I walk over smiling, "Mrs Edwards?" I ask. 

"Oh my god! Hi lovely, you must be Emma." She drops the card and pulls me into a hug, suddenly. 

"Yes." I mumble against her tight hug. 

"It's lovely to finally meet you." She says with a huge smile on her face, as she lets go of me holding me at arms length with her hands holding either side of me. "These are my sons Nate and Harry, you and Nate will both be Juniors together and Harry is starting high school just like you. So you can both be nervous and excited together." She jokes with us. 

"Hi." Both boys say, smiling at me awkwardly. 

Nate is much taller than me, but that isn't hard like I said earlier I'm only 5ft3. He has slicked back brown hair, and beautiful green eyes. Harry is basically a younger, smaller version of Nate. Although he is still taller than me!

Nate and Harry grab my bags and I smile at them, it's been a long flight so I'm grateful for their help. We make our way out of the airport, towards their car, a matte black Range Rover. 

"Shot gun!" Harry shouts. 

"Don't you think Emma should get to sit upfront?" Nate states, giving me a quick smile. 

"Oh I don't mind." I smile back at Nate.

"No Nate is right, Harry you can sit in the back." Mrs Edwards interrupts the three of us. 

"Thanks Mrs Edwards." I say as I hop into the front seat. 

"Call me Lacey." She smiles over at me as she starts the car. 


After 45 minutes, we pull into a street that has a row of beautifully grand houses. They look so expensive. I could only dream to live in a house very similar one day in the future, it would be very different to the modest three bedroom house I live in back home with my mum and sister. I'm pulled out of my daydream, as Lacey pulls up to the driveway of one of the beautifully grand houses. Wait, what? 

"Here we are, home sweet home." Lacey smiles at me as she puts the car into park. 

"This is where you live?" I stare stunned at the house in front of me, as I hop out the car. 

"Yes, this is where we live." Harry says nudging me in the arm, bringing me out of my daze. 

"Wow it's beautiful." I smile at Lacey, who gives me a wide grin. 

"Thank you dear and it is now your home too." She smiles, gesturing us towards the front door.

As we walk inside through the large double doors, we enter the entrance way of the house. There are multiple doors going of into various rooms downstairs, with a large staircase in the middle leading to the second floor of the house. We begin walking up the stairs and to my left, a large chandelier is hanging down over the entrance way. Lacey is leading the way, Nate and Harry following behind carrying my bags. I tried to help them but they kept insisting they could manage. 

"This is mine and Pete's room." Lacey points out the first door at the top of the stairs. Pete must be Mr Edwards. Jenna had told me a bit about her parents when we had a Skype call together before we both left, just to give each other a heads up of what we were walking into. Mr Edwards is apparently always working, he's the boss of the towns car dealership company. That explains the nice Range Rover Lacey is driving and I guess why they own such a beautiful house. Lacey owns her own salon down town. Jenna warned me she'll probably try and give me a make over, I mean I don't mind since this is supposed to be a fresh start for me. 

The MarkersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora