Chapter 11

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Once reaching the restroom, I go to look for my phone to text Nate, Charlie, anyone to come and rescue me from here before realizing that Eric has my phone. "Shit." 

"The window?" I hear a faint face speak up, pulling me from my thoughts. I turn to see the waitress who served us earlier. "You could fit through the window." She points again to the small window above the sink, but luckily with my height I could slip through that easily. Wait am I actually considering this. What about my phone? I guess I do live next door, I could always asks Maggie to get it back for me. Why not? I didn't want to be here in the first place. 

As I turn to pull the small chair from the corner of the restroom as a booster up the window, I notice that the small girl has now left the restroom. Obviously going back to work, I guess it is her job to serve food and not help girls escape through bathroom windows.. I push the chair up against the wall, positioning it so it is sturdy. I step up and look outside the window, luckily it isn't going to be that far of a jump down. Just as I push the window open, I hear the door behind me open. Wow I must look like a complete crazy person right now, to the poor woman entering the restroom. Before I can turn to explain to the innocent bystander, a large arm is wrapped around my waist turning me around on the chair causing me to trip over my own two feet. Thankfully I land on the chair but my back is pressed against the back rest as I look up to see Eric, who is now standing over me, his legs either side of the chair, straddling me. I keep my eyes on his, a hint of anger present as a he stares down at me. He smirks as he signals his eyes for me to look ahead but I keep looking up at his face, I already know what my head is level with right now and I don't particularly want to look. Eric notices my refusal and chuckles under his breath as he slowly steps back freeing me. 

"Foods here." Eric informs me as he offers out his hand for me to take. I ignore his offer as I stand up and walk past to exit the restroom. I hear Eric following on close behind me, letting out a small chuckle. I'm glad I amuse him. 


After my failed attempt at an escape through the restroom window, when we arrived back at the table I kept quiet whilst I ate my food. It wasn't long until the boys had devoured their foods within minutes, I've always been a slow eater so I of course was the last one to finish eating. While eating I felt the feeling of being watched, most likely from Eric but I got the strange feeling that there was more than one set of eyes on me. 

Just then I was pulled out of my paranoid thoughts, by Issac pushing some of my hair behind my ear as I leaned forward to take a sip of my vanilla milkshake, that was still practically a full glass. 

"Thanks." I say, offering a warm smile. 

"You're welcome, I wouldn't want you to get any food in your curly hair." He puts emphasize on the word curly, obviously in reference to our previous conversation when I was playing with his hair. 

"Are we ready to leave?" Mason chirps in. 

"Probably soon, Emma still has most of her drink to finish." Alex comments. 

"She's barely touched it." Josh adds. 

"Maybe Emma doesn't like vanilla milkshake as much as she would like us to believe." Eric says smugly. I mean it's true I choose to get vanilla out of spite of Eric trying to order for me earlier and I thought why not copy off of one of his best friends, rather then him but still. 

"Oh I do." I respond quickly, not wanting to give Eric the satisfaction of being right but the look he gives me, is basically asking me 'oh really..' I wish I could slap that smug look of his face right now. 

"I mean vanilla is a pretty boring flavor and I definitely wouldn't think it would be your favorite." I can see a hint of amusement playing behind Eric's eyes right now. "You're definitely not boring. And definitely not vanilla." And definitely has a double meaning. How does he know if I'm vanilla or not, I don't even know myself yet. He's so arrogant at times, I swear. 

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