Chapter 8

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I wake up the next morning from the night before. I have a small headache but nothing major. I think that's something good about not being a light weight, is the fact I rarely get a bad hangover the next day. I head into my bathroom and take a shower, to freshen up from the gross feeling I have from last night. I spend most of the day getting all my homework done, ready for my classes this upcoming week. I was shocked at how much homework I already had, it was only the first week and I feel like I'm so behind in all my classes. As soon as I'm done, I Skype my family back home on a conference call. I really do miss them, but I am also enjoying myself a lot over here. School and my friends are definitely keeping me busy. I can't believe I've been gone for only two weeks it feels a lot longer than that, considering everything that has happened. 

"Emma?" Lacey calls from the other side of my door, as I end the Skype call with my family, 

"Come in." 

"We're going to head over to Mark and Maggie's house for dinner in about 30 minutes, if you'd like to freshen up." Lacey tells me. 

"Oh yes, the weekly family dinner Maggie mentioned last weekend." I say as I jump off my bed and head towards my walk in wardrobe. 

"Yes, would you like help choosing an outfit?" Lacey asks me, following me into my wardrobe. 

"That would be great, thanks Lacey!" I tell her. It's the first time I'm meeting her brother Mark, Nate and Harry's uncle. I want to make a good impression. Especially since they've told me, he's a big deal in this town. He owns most of the real estate here. That business trip he just got back from, he was in Florida looking at a tower of condos to purchase down there as his next project. I would love for him to like me. I actually want to work in real estate when I graduate, so maybe if he likes me he could help me out. 


"Nate! Harry!" Lacey calls up the stairs, as we stand waiting by the door with Pete. Nate and Harry appear at the top of the stairs, both wearing nice dress shirts. Clearly it was a good decision to let Lacey pick my outfit, apparently we have to dress up for family dinner. I was hesitant when Lacey pulled out a little black dress for me to wear tonight along with a pair of matching heels. But I guess I trust her judgement. 

"Ready?" Pete asks the boys as they're walking downstairs. 

"No." Nate says, Harry shrugs his shoulders. 

"Now, behave." Lacey warns the boys, more so Nate. 

We exit the house and walk next door. Nate trailing behind us, Harry is leading the way. He's clearly just excited for the food. Pete knocks and seconds later Maggie opens the door. 

"Hello everyone, welcome!" She says holding the door open for us to enter. The house is basically a mirrored version of our house. Nate was right about that. Everything is just the opposite way around really. It's as if someone put a mirror on one side of our house to build another one next door. Mark actually built these houses on this row after they finished college, and they've all lived here since. He got the plot of land for a bargain apparently, because of the lake that runs at the back of the properties. There's a fear that if it rains too heavily, it would flood the surrounding areas and it wasn't suitable land for building homes on. But 20 years later, here they still are. 

Pete leads the way into the living room where a tall man with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes is sat comfortably watching TV, who I'm guessing is Uncle Mark.  

"Nate! Harry!" The man says standing up and walking over to give the boys a hug. 

"How's it going Uncle Mark? Nate asks him.

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