Chapter 12

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I wouldn't say I'm scared of the dark, it's what's in the dark and the scary thoughts that always pop into your mind when you're in the dark. I tried pushing those thoughts aside as I walked through this wooded area, I don't know what my next step is in all honesty. I don't really know where I am, my best plan is to send my location to someone to hopefully come and rescue me but who knows how long that means I'll stood out here on my own, in the dark. Once again I am brought out of my head, as I hear the sound of movement in the woods. I'm just praying that whatever animal is coming my way, isn't a bear and that I may make it out of here alive. Just then, I am in the exact same position as I was only minutes earlier. After two large hands pull me back and around to face the person I don't want to see right now. Eric.

"What do you want?" I ask as I bring my arms to cross in front of my chest, giving me some distance from his chest. Yet his hands still stay firmly gripping my waist and I know that resisting his hold would be useless, unless I want some lovely looking finger bruises on me. 

"Let me explain." 

"Explain what? That lovely piece of graffiti you boys have made?" I ask sarcastically.

"We know what it look likes and we know it's stupid." 

"I'm shocked, you may actually have a brain cell in the skull of yours." I knock on Eric's head, earning a pissed off look from him but I don't care. 

"We started those lists when we were freshman and we just kind of continued." My face right now definitely was not one showing an sort of impress towards these boy's childish actions. "We know, I know." He corrected himself. "That it is childish and a disrespectful thing to do, but." 

"But what?" I cut him off. 

"But.." He pauses. "I don't know in all honesty." 

I scoff at his statement as I push on his chest stepping backwards to break away from him, but my heel catches a branch on the ground causing me to begin to fall backwards. I reach forward to grab Eric to steady myself but instead I do the opposite I pull him down with me. I land, laying with my back on the forest floor with Eric weighing down on top of me. His arms placed either side of my head balancing himself above me but our faces only inches apart. Eric's eyes trail down my body, taking in the position we are now in, he licks his lips ever so slightly as he makes eye contact with me. 

"I quite like you on your back." He smirks down at me. I am now pulled out of my initial shock of the fall and bring my hands up to push him off of me. 

Eric begins to push himself up but soon grabs my wrists, making me fall forward. Roles reverse. I am now on top of him, my legs straddling him and hands placed on his shoulders, his hands still around my wrists. 

"I quite like this position too." He winks at me, as he slowly traces his hands up my arms and along my body towards my waist. 

As I go to push myself up, Eric mirrors my actions, resulting in us being in our previous position before we ended up rolling around on the forest floor together. By the look on his face, he is clearly pleased but I know just how to get that look to go away. Seconds later, the sound of my hand making contact with Eric's cheek can be heard echoing in the woods. Yet nothing changes, Eric is still stood firmly with his hands still gripping my waist. As I go to raise my hand to make yet another hit at his face in hopes that the shock of two hits, one after another would be enough for him to loosen his grip on me and let me go. My wrist is suddenly grabbed by Eric's large hand and I pushed against a tall standing tree in our path. 

At first I stare at Eric due to the initial shock, similar to the one moments earlier when I hit the forest floor. The look in his eyes is not something I recognize, something is hidden behind them and I don't know if I wish to find out. The silence of the woods hits me, as I can hear how loudly we both are breathing. Eric's breath fanning over my chest as I am pinned against a tree. I look at him unsure of what his next move, I don't think Eric knows what his next move is either. We're both just stood her, against a tree in the middle of the woods. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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