Chapter 7

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I made it home and thankfully wasn't followed by any of the boys. Me, Annabel, Charlie and Claire have just finished our pizzas and are starting to get ready for the party tonight. Aaron the new quarterback of the football team is throwing a big welcome back party at his house tonight, apparently it's going to be one of the biggest parties of the year so it's not one to be missed. 

Lacey was very excited when I told her I was going to be going to the party and that my friends were coming over to get ready with me. I'm guessing she can't really help Nate get ready for parties and Jenna told me she never went to house parties, so she's really excited. Lacey actually ended up choosing my outfit for me since I couldn't decide. She choose a turquoise skater dress and a pair of gold wedged sandals. I guess I didn't always have to wear pink. She insisted on doing our hair as well. Annabel has got her hair up in a bun and Claire has her hair in a long braid down her back, she kind of looks like a modern day version of Elsa. She's wearing blue shorts and a sparkly silver top, and she may of gone a bit overboard with her highlighter but she does look stunning. Lacey didn't have to do much with my hair, she just puffed it up to give it more volume and sprayed hair spray on it to make it stay that way. She sprayed a ton of it on my hair to be exact but that's only because she said she doesn't want my hair to go flat, with all the dancing I'm going to be doing. 

"Do you want me to drive you to the party?" Lacey asks. We're now standing looking at ourselves in the long ceiling to floor mirror in her bedroom, so we could see the final looks we had for the party. We definitely looked ready to party. 

"Oh thanks but it's okay Charlie is actually going to drive, since he doesn't drink and neither does Annabel." I inform her. 

"Oh that's good then, you have yourself not one but two designated drivers." She smiles, clearly a little sad she can't take us. "Be careful though you two." She motions towards Claire and I. "And make sure you look after them." She tells Annabel and Charlie. 

"We will." We all say in unison, making us laugh. I'm glad Lacey and Pete are cool with us drinking, as long as we are responsible is what they told me.  

"Oh I remember my first high school party." Lacey says as we begin walking down the stairs, ready to leave. I smile back her as she stops and leans against the railing looking down at us all. "Have fun, don't do anything I wouldn't do." She says giving me a wink, making me laugh. 


Charlie drives past Aaron's house looking for somewhere to park further down the street. As we drove past you could already hear the music, it was so loud and there was already tons of teenagers there. The party started at 7:30 but Claire said we should aim to arrive for 9, that way there would already be tons of people there. 

"Wow, there's so many people." I state. I wasn't expecting there to be this many people. I swear there's more people here then there is in our year. 

"Yeah, it's basically the whole school." Charlie tells me. That explains it. 

"Everyone is going to be here?" I ask. 

"Yes?" Charlie shoots me a questioning look into his mirror, still keeping his eyes on the road whilst looking for a parking spot. 

"Even The Markers?" I don't know why I didn't think about this earlier. After our encounter today at school, I thought I wouldn't have to see them until Monday at the earliest. 

"Most likely, why?" Charlie asks as he pulls up into a parking spot. It's not too far from Aaron's house, you can still hear the music from here. 

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